Martina 18! (Patreon)
Yesterday I had another shooting with Martina, number 18!
I left home at 5:30 in the morning to avoid the prime hour traffic and arrive on time at 8:00.
I arrived there half an hour in advance, waited patiently before going up, and we started only 10 minutes before schedule.
For midday was back home and I started working on the pictures.
Weather was bad and natural light was faint, but I did take a couple of additional spotlights to help out, like I use to do in Winter.
We have been in this apartment before, so I tried some different approaches and new corners.
In the case of this photo, I asked her to climb on the kitchen table and play with the light from the ceiling.
As you can see, Martina is still looking as beautiful as ever.
When I told her about my 15th wedding anniversary on last Wednesday, she told me also she got married recently.
She took off the wedding band before we started shooting, because she prefers to keep this information private, but it is not a real secret as she told about it also on her IG stories...
Anyway, if they ask you how you know about it, don't tell it was me, say you're following her on IG ;)
What really counts is that she is growing up and her wild nature has been tamed to a certain degree.
Nevertheless, I like this new Martina, because you can still feel her inner fire burning as lively as before, and she didn't change any of our work arrangements.
I'm happy she has found the right partner in life, especially because it appears to be openminded enough to understand how important she is for us, as a muse, and he is allowing her to continue in her mission of sharing her beauty with us.