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Symmetra, Utopaea's top Architech for HoneySelect

Important Information below. Please take the time to read the post in its entirety before downloading.

The Symmetra pack contains the hair and helmet from the "Classic" skin as well as the hair and helmet from the "Architect" skin. I may add the "Magician" skin in the future if there is a demand for it. The pack may not contain as many items as the mercy pack did but that is because Sym's helmet and accessories were way more involved than mercy's. Some of the accessories required me to split them up into multiple accessories (Earrings, Helmet Metal / Plastic, visor Glass, as well as the gem. All of which is colorable. For Symmetra I like using the discoheaven hair on her over the hair from her model (seen in the pic), it just sort of works. Its difficult getting the exact look that the helmet requires through unity alone so I used Joan's Rendereditor plugin to tweak some of the materials on the helmet as well as the emissives. The most recent version of his plugin was linked but there is a beta version available to his patrons. 1.3.0 should be fine in the meantime though. To make the emissives pop it requires that you have HDR enabled through the use of 4k + LRE on your install. To get the glow for the emissives you need to increase the value on the colorslider >100. For Symmetra I generally use 150-250 as my go to setting.

I think her facial expressions turned out quite well.

If you want to see some work in progress stuff as well as some suggestive pics you should check out my pixiv page (1/2/3/4). This time around I didn't miss anything she has working tears, blush etc. Like all head mods, it is important that you load the Character Card provided first before making any sort of edits since it contains custom placement values for the eyes and facial meshes.

Give me feedback if you see anything that I missed. Hope you guys like Symmetra I spent a lot of time and energy trying to make her look as good as possible for the community.

Key: xyQ7GfsuEqTpwLSeYHXJv8u63pbFeLmqwkI_EHFI6Mw


Blizzard Entertainment


Updates: #01 Place the material file in my symmetra folder under chara/73lac7c/characters and replace the file.




Character pack link is not connected


is the clothes mod not released yet?


Will it be? :(


Well the top and shorts were both commission pieces that a created, modelled and textured from scratch similar to the Gwen set. Someone RN wants to buy the items off me, but I think putting the items on the patreon is a fairer option.


Can you send me this shoes




An amazing symmetra. Mad props for it


So I installed this mod recently, and i installed the update as well, but for some reason the hair isnt loading properly. do i need to get the hair mod separately?


If you are referring to the custom hair then yes you also need to download the hair as well.


Please read the troubleshooting in the post. Most likely you have an outdated plugin in your install make sure you fully update all plugins.


Hey did you ever end up releasing this outfit?


It's not really an outfit but a mash up of different items that I fulfilled commissions for. Someone released the shorts that I made a while ago on the discord. I didn't release the top yet. The rest is base game items.