Ashe Wins (Poll #2) (Patreon)
2019-05-06 05:38:42
Ashe from the "Overwatch" Series won the second community poll. I monitored the poll for the whole duration and Ashe was #1 for most of it so he winning was pretty obvious. Hopefully one day Pharah will get her chance. There is a lot of love for the Overwatch series so let me know if you want me to continue, a few patrons mentioned Overwatch fatigue. I didn't know that was a thing lol. I may need some help hunting for Ashe models so if you found some be sure to send me links through dm.
Here are the results of poll #2,
I have to say I was quite surprised by the runner up results. Miya and Palutena came out of nowhere, Is the Sudden Attack series super popular or something? Im not very familiar with the series.