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One more, double-sized strip planned for the end of this arc. Now it is time to go sit down and drink!




Ashamed to admit I'd watch that stream

Unlikely Suspect

Oh, I get it, new Guy. Is this arc the prequel to False Walls then?


🐦 🐦 🐦 🐦 🐦

Kit Spindler

every page in this arc has been really funny. I'm really interested in faustus and what his motives are. his origins and introduction were both very mysterious and haunting but he's also a really funny character. also im interested to know if this is a sjtuao where faustic is a troll trying to fuck with people who know exactly how to deal with trolls or if the funny online animals just genuinely don't see how much he's trying to fuck with them.

Kit Spindler

I meant to say situation on there not whatever sjtuao is. autocorrect did that.