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Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing great!

I am kinda struggling with the two upcoming VIP requests, I'm drawing some blanks regarding dialogue, and how to transpose sex scenes (those two vids are complex), I keep alternating back and forth between the two, trying to work on them as positively as I can.

So, in the meantime, I decided to release a simple, straight to the point vid, which brings us back to my roots: Mature futa, and the secretary aspect.

This vid got recorded a while ago, and I wasn't happy with the text, but I modified a few bits here and there, and even though I still think there's too much text, I wanted to give you all something to wait until I'm done with the upcoming VIP vids. The video also ends abruptly, I did not have an end in mind, so please, forgive me for that as well...

The SS version has slightly "rougher" dialogue, but they're very tiny changes for context, nothing (I hope) you'll miss out on here.

I hope you enjoy!

Stay awesome.

LINK TO VIDEO: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/whz827mhj6gq6rchcckwa/TheSecretaryPatreonVersion.mp4?rlkey=5mpuyhfef518jvtidmir3l7eb&dl=0




Hey you got this. And yeah I bet that will be a hassle. But you got it.


kinda hope sex rubbers come back hotness


This was hot, 10/10! The dirty degrading language, smacks, spitting, domination. Love it! I hope we get more of her!

Morbid S.

Loved this! What or where would the “ss” version be available?


the secretary plot was really hot but wished it wouldve been with laura being his secretary instead, her model was so much hotter :(


I really like the mature type like this, hope to see more of this