Cruentum - Introduction (Patreon)
For some of you who have been here for a while, you must remember the teaser back in March, including a new project, almost a year in the making, called Cruentum.
Following the new Patreon ToS and me having to remove a third of my content, and adapt for all future contents, I had to rethink the whole concept of this new dark and mysterious adventure.
After months of trial and error, I finally re-adjusted the idea, and adapted the concept to avoid any problems (hopefuly).
And thus, here is the introduction for the Cruentum series, a "short" 15 minutes video to introduce us to Henry, our main character, and the very tip of the concept of Cruentum.
This universe has been heavily inspired by Dartkoz's Shadow Over Blackmore, and I wholeheartedly recommend you check out his Patreon page.
I hope this will be to your liking, as I put a lot of effort into this concept, but I could see it being not to everyone's taste.
Please, feedback is encouraged, as I would love to continue this parallel to Futacademy and all other videos to come.
Stay awesome.