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Working on OPERATIONAL HISTORY, busy illustrating it. I wanted to capture the horrors of Innsmouth as seen by the Office of Naval Intelligence members that infiltrated and secretly photographed the town...

INFILTRATION AND FILMING INNSMOUTH (27 SEP – 3 OCT 1927): ONI officers enter Innsmouth and use hidden cameras in briefcases to photograph and film its residents. Though no agent stays more than a few hours, and none after dark, they capture horrific deformities and some residents’ inhuman nature. They film inexplicable things.




Is this a single painting or did you paint each piece separately and combine them later into this montage? And how large is Operational History? I recall - not sure where - that it was mentioned that it’s as big as Handler’s Guide?


Nope. That is one painting. Operational History (Pt 1, which covers 1928-1960) will be about 250 pages. Large enough to have to be split into two volumes!