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I'm working on the P4 late 1930's after action report map of Innsmouth (which, when finished, will show the Marine raid on Innsmouth in detail — with troop movements and everything). Here's the first half of the map in progress. Please note:

• This is based on Lovecraft's original hand-drawn map of Innsmouth
• But it supposes that previous fan maps have been wildly overpopulated with buildings — though Innsmouth was once larger, by 1928, the population was only from 400 to 500 individuals. Most of these were families, so we're looking at perhaps 250 buildings occupied, up to 300 or so, max.
• The south side of Innsmouth across the Manuxet (on this map left is north and right is south), the town has a congestion of buildings (as described in SHADOW).

More to come!




you madman you ARE doing it!