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I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-exclusive upload, where I answer some of your questions (and get way too excited about food).




So excited!


Thank you for making such amazing content and being great overall, I always feel really immersed in the characters, voice, stories and the audios in general. So yes, stay awesome ❤️🤗

Dangerous' Freya❤️

Favorite quote would have to be, “Little one , are you ready to talk”?- Freya 2020


Thanks for doing this Dangerous. It's really cool to be able to get a bit of a peek into your behind the scenes process that brings such wonderful fantasies to life


This was SO GOOD, thank you so much for doing this!!


One of the best judges for creating a character seems to be, if the creator doesn't like it, the audience probably won't either. But if the creator likes a character, most of the audience probably will as well. Thanks for this!


“It’s not the child with the razor teeth... told you to stop thinking about that” - Yandere werewolf girl

Todd Carney

The serial killer's over-zealous, excitable laugh is my absolute favorite. (Lola Hyde kinda does it after taking down the Pirate Crab, and it thrills me no end!)

Brandon Tracy

Thank you so much for answering my question ❤️


I forgot to thank you for answering my question! I should've known you'd pick the Crossover series tho :P But don't worry, I totally agree, I'd love to see that as a movie/show too!


Dangerous running around the house with an in-ear microphone and trying to record sound effects. Goddess please somebody get this image out of my brain I laughed so much that now I'm crying from the pain in my stomach. 🤣❤️