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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, the continuation of the Yandere Orc Girl series, written once again by the fantastic F.N.!




I'm faster than Stephen. How sad.

Jacob Maxmilion Lopez

Ohh how the tables have turned look who's tied to the bed now huh

Snub Birth

Reverse Uno Yandere.

Maurice R

You either sucuumb to Stockholm syndrome or live long enough to become a yandere


The plot thickens. I really liked the way this developed. It did seem like it was only a matter of time until something like this was gonna happen. The threat from the other Orcs felt very real. First, when that Orc grabbed us out of nowhere (which I really didn't expect) and then later when he came to attack us at night. I was legitimately afraid for our Yandere even though I knew she couldn't die at this point. The whole scene was brilliantly done. That's also due to lots of great SFX in this episode. I liked all those details like the birds in the background as well as the fighting noises. It was sad but on the other hand nice that our Yandere beat herself up over not being able to protect us properly, because it showed how much she cares. Which is why it was great to kinda reverse the roles and have us tie her up instead. Getting a chance to show our feelings for her in that way was really fitting. The following banter was very fun and it was so sweet when she realized our feelings for her. 😣 It was also a nice touch that she then felt she could tell us that she did in fact lie about the chief being her dad. A fantastic episode. I love how this relationship developed. A little Stockholm never hurt anyone, right? 👀

Eclipse (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-21 12:32:43 I wonder is the listener going to Turn yandere and are we going to have a NSFW roleplay
2021-05-07 00:07:48 I wonder is the listener going to Turn yandere and are we going to have a NSFW roleplay

I wonder is the listener going to Turn yandere and are we going to have a NSFW roleplay


I want nsfw so badly


Honestly like their relationship


If I was in this relationship I probably would have become Yandere when I fall in love id do anything for that person


Orcish steel fighting is fun


Why do I have feeling this feeling we bonked our Yandere on the head with frying Pan

Tony G

Was wondering when the next installment would be haha

Marharb8 Darkknight

God I love the lady Orc voice its amazing I need more lol

Jeremy Knight

The Orc being tied to the bed was my favorite part. like "Now you know what it's like!" but her backstory was really sad and I felt sorry for her.


I'm happy we have just "regular" sfw roleplays also. The clean softcore stuff is my jam.


These voices! So talented! Listening now so excited!!


HELL YEAH!!!! I love the Yandere Orc Girl, I can’t get enough of this series :D


Every episode is better then before and thats saying something because they are all so good. The story is amazing, DA is amazing, honetsly they can make a Netflix show out of this series.

Stephen as Moviebuff3000

The Listener finally admitted what I have been feeling since episode 2. Figured it was coming based off episode 4. I really enjoyed this episode. The performance and writing was great and DA knocked it out of the park with the sfx.


This episode felt like a telenovela, so much happening all at once. I love it.


I've never heard the "frying pan" SFX used as a literal love tap before.


Oh shit, things are starting to heat up in the orc tribes! Why do I feel like we’re going to get caught up in the war anyway? Oh shit! I’m honestly surprised we haven’t been fought over yet, but the battle we got in this part was definitely intense and awesome. Like damn, she really went to town! But it was highly entertaining LOL. It is also my guilty pleasure to watch one character fight for the sake of someone they love. That was some good stuff right there, even though it was short. Honestly, the argument leading up to the battle was almost more intense bc I was sitting there the whole time like “Ooooh they’re about to throw hands!” and then they DID LOL! Why do I feel like we’re going to escalate to her actually killing someone on our behalf? OMG this really IS an intense part! The battle and having to hide spooped me a little, I can’t lie. The sense of urgency is excellently conveyed through this audio, both thanks to the writing and performing! First having to hide, then another battle, then the escape! Awww she thinks she’s going to leave us, like the series would end on THAT note, LOL But now you’re hitting me right in the feels with her confession! What is it with all of this sad writing today? LOLOLOLOL But the backstory is much appreciated even tho it’s really sad and messed up. FN, you’re a marvelous writer, and DA, it’s amazing how you can make this voice sound so sad when it, for the most part, is just a low sort of thrum. Not saying that the orc can’t convey emotions vocally (she obviously can, as this stinger part pointed out), I’m just impressed at how well the emotionality is conveyed despite her voice being fairly consistent in terms of tone. Seriously, great work on the acting for DA and great work on the writing for FN! Wait, did we seriously just have a “open/close the door” battle with her? LOL OMG!!! That little bit was so brilliant! What a brat, what a MOOD! Tho tussling with her may not be the brightest idea… Wait, did she break the door? DID SHE FALL AND KNOCK HERSELF OUT? LOLOLOLOL OMG Ope and now we have her tied to the bed. The listener is quite impressive! This entire scene was oddly amusing, given how sad it was just a minute prior. You script writers and your mood whiplash! “You think I’m your property?!?” oh how the turn tables… God, why is this so CUTE?!?! Also, given that she’s tied to the bed, why do I feel like there’s a NSFW somewhere nearby? Altho, maybe not soon, given that they still have to run… Ohhh and that ending. I honestly didn’t even realize the audio was over bc I was also like “what boat? Tell me!” But hey, this was another fun little (well, not LITTLE, but you know what I mean) installment and I can’t wait to see where these 2 go next (both physically and emotionally).


*Hit with a shovel* Loki: “THATS HOW IT FEELS”