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Hi, everyone.

The Khaos Reigns update for Mortal Kombat 1 has been released with their new animalities and that means new dismemberments.

My Mortal Kombat 1 mods have a grey texture workaround for the dismemberments (that creates gaps in some of them, but even that looks better).

For the sake of my sanity I decided to release the fix in a different way: Instead of being part of every mod, I've created separate files for the fixes (attached below). This way I don't have to rework every mesh mod everytime that the fixes need an update.
They are separated by character. Install only the ones you need.

The mods have been re-uploaded without the fix. That also saves disk space if you install more than one for a character.

Mods updated:

P.S. Not sure if this was possible from the beginning or after an update. But when installing the mods for MK1, you can create a folder called "Mods" and place them there ("~mods" doesn't work). I've updated the installation tutorial with this info.
The "Grey Textures Fix" folder inside the file below can be placed directly in the "Mods" folder if you want to (so it would be .../Paks/Mods/Grey Textures Fix).

P.P.S. These are many updated mods, you can download them one by one or wait a few days for the monthly update of the Mods Compilation post. Note that the old mods are compatible with the new fix, the update just saves disk space (except for a couple of fixes for pubes).

P.P.P.S. Sorry for the extra-long post. Have a nice weekend!

Latest Grey Textures Fix update here.


Rayven Alyrinth

Thank you so much man really appreciate your hardwork for this! 😁