/242/ Bureaucracy Rules OK ft. Michael Lind (Patreon)
2022-02-22 14:02:02
On class wars, new and old.
Michael Lind, Professor of Practice at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, joins us to talk about what it might take to restore working class power in Western states. He explains some of the arguments in his book The New Class War (2020) in greater depth, as well as discussing his intellectual debt to the ex-Trotskyist theorist turned Cold War conservative, James Burnham.
Plus, Michael talks about how his Texan background and upbringing shaped his outlook on industrialisation, national development and populism.
- America’s Asymmetric Civil War, Tablet Mag
- Why ending tenure is only the start, Tablet Mag
- The importance of James Burnham, Tablet Mag
- Bungacast Reading Club on The New Class War