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Part two of the interview with Michael Lind + the After-Party 

Is geopolitical conflict the only way the working class can extract concessions from states? And what might it take to break the power of the PMC? The discussion concludes with Michael telling us about why he thinks ‘Big U’ – the Anglo-American university sector – is ripe for breaking up.





Thank you Alex for raising what (to me at least) has been the obvious question throughout the last few months of episodes - the question of the utility of the bureaucrats and the PMC to capital accumulation, which of course has major political implications for the types of political alliances that may or may not be possible. The question of re-building strong associational networks is dismissed by George as an incredibly difficult task, perhaps insurmountable (not to shit on George, he acknowledges the importance of such a project), but I see no other way, especially if the alternative is to wait around for a reform-minded elite to show up and take power, and then successfully implement a reformist program against all of the entrenched bourgeois interests that would oppose this.

Paul Brewer

Lind was typical of a lot of (especially American, from an Anglophone perspective) academics in doing a sound analysis of the situation before us and then coming up with an impractical solution. He is basically seeking to implement Catholic social theory, but doesn't really address the question of what 'the state' is, in the same way that Catholic social theory fails to address it.