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these were the best two episodes

we finally got some answers!!


Arnav Mekala

I could be wrong but I don't think it was ever told that the doctor was Maomao's adoptive father even in the beginning of the anime, so technically revealing to you guys that the father was wasn't her biological father in the comments would have been a spoiler.

Arnav Mekala

Also we probably should have clarified what Eunuchs were when you guys first started the anime, even I had no idea what it was. It kinda makes sense though, you don't want men with testicles to hang around in a woman only area of a palace where its a high possibility for them to assault the women, especially the emperor's consorts. So the only definite way to not make that happen is to remove the testicles. Because I believe when men lose their testicles, it lowers their sexual desire and of course prevents them from impregnating someone with sperm. I can understand why this was a common practice back in the old times.


And recall they been calling Jinshi a eunuch this whole time. Man has no balls based on that. lol. I thought you guys knew. Maybe we should have clarified


An interesting tidbit Mel and Steph is that back then syphilis was a long term death sentence when nowadays one pill of Penicillin G and you're good to go. A lot of illnesses back then deemed fatal are easily cured now. Imagine 50 years from now, things that hurt us now will likely be treated simply. Such is the nature of medicine


In fact many men at the imperial palace are eunuchs, like Gaoshun and Jinshi for example. At that time castration was a way of employment in the imperial service but also a punishment like flagellation we saw earlier in the season


this may be a late response so idk if you'll see this, but I thought you guys knew what a enuch was... maomao explained what it was in the first episode I guess you guys missed it. Which also makes sense why you guys dont laugh at the jokes Maomao makes about Jinshi "being attractive" or "having a high sex appeal is a shame" because she views him as a man who has no balls so he cannot reproduce lol. I also thought it was strange you guys didnt laugh at those jokes