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NOTE: This version is old. The latest build is 0.9: https://www.patreon.com/posts/118189738

Sorry I've been silent for so long guys, but I have a 10-level demo in the works for GutBuster. This build is incomplete, so keep that in mind when you play.

I aim to have this game demo as a more complete beta by the end of August, the gameplay is mostly done, but there's still art and stuff to finish. I plan to release the completed demo publicly on itch.io when I complete it.

Anyway, here's a list of known issues with this build that I found testing it on my own:

-I'll start with the biggest issue: There's a bug that makes the game nearly unplayable where two of the pop up menu slates appear upon death and as soon as you restart only one goes away and the other covers the gameplay area and can't be removed. Don't know what causes that, but be sure to look out for it.

-The other big issue: I have not yet implemented a way to pause the game. This will be implemented for the finished demo.

-There is currently no options, no control over sound levels.

-The cheat/debug mode, which you may have seen in the pre-alpha, is currently disabled for this version of the demo. I plan to bring cheats back for the finished demo, possibly with an unlock code.

-There is no saving feature, and there will not be one in the completed demo. You'll have to complete all 10 levels in one sitting. When you quit the game or beat level 10, you'll get a special message, and if you continue, the levels and upgrades will all be reset to the starting settings.

-Animation is unfinished. Some contain visual bugs. Some examples: the animation where Rebbecca has a hand behind her hand, so it looks like she has two fingers growing out of her hand. The gaining animation may be off as well. Cellecca's walk animation is janky. Some pop-ins occur during cutscenes.

-Winning cutscenes after levels 3 and 8 are missing, as the art has yet to be done.

-Another comic story cutscene is meant to play after level 5, it also hasn't been started on. Levels 6-10 are supposed to feature a different food and new Rebbecca eating animation. It's basically like 5 levels per "chapter". The color of the stage does change though.

-The sound design is VERY incomplete, stuff like buttons don't have sounds, but most notably: there's no music. I don't have much in the way of music creation myself, so I don't even know if I'll include it in the finished demo either...

-The game doesn't have customizable controls, nor controller support. I don't plan on them for the finished demo either. You're down to the arrows and Shift keys. You'll also have to use the mouse for the menus, unless otherwise stated.

-The start sound plays again if you press the space bar while the fade effect is still going.

-It's Windows only.

Feedback is appreciated!




Game does not seem playable in its current state. After clicking "continue" or "try again," the menu disappears, then nothing happens. The next level does not begin, and the character sprite does not appear. The little raccoon in the window remains moving, so the game hasn't crashed, there just seems to be an issue with the level startup. This bug does not occur every time, but it happens frequently enough that I haven't been able to get past the level 2 win cutscene in ~40 attempts without it freezing up. Also just some general feedback -I don't use godot so I don't know exactly what's going on behind the scenes but I have some guesses: -when you hover over the menu buttons, you can see the tooltip. right now it just says "hello" except the "try again"/"continue" buttons which say nothing - there's something funky going on with the RespawnPointX variable, it sometimes stores very long decimals. From what it looks like, the sprite respawns in the same place every round, so I'm not sure why you'd need a respawn point variable/something that changes. If you do keep it, I'd recommend changing it to an integer/whole number instead of a float/decimal value. The game itself is lots of fun and the art is great! Looking forward to playing more


To address the general feedback, I had placed "hello" in the tooltip option when I was poking around trying to learn how buttons worked and I kinda forgot I had left it in there. That I could easily fix, along with the respawn point issue, which I put there for the player to respawn from when you get an extra lives upgrade, though a new player wouldn't notice that right away since you start with one life. Now to address your first issue--I've tested the game myself several times, both before uploading and just now after reading your feedback, and the issue you described where the player doesn't appear just never seems to happen on my end. I don't know if it's a problem with different PCs and since I can't replicate it myself I'm not sure how to figure out what could be causing it and how to fix it. I'll have to see if anyone else trying it out has this problem. Appreciate the feedback!


Works all good on a different computer, might be windows 11 v 10, Nvidia vs intel graphics, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I've actually had what seems to be the same issue as jadePhant0m in both the .05 and .1. versions (I subscribed on here because I was hoping maybe the .1 version wouldn't have said issue). Seems like the first time I choose try again it works fine and restarts the level as normal but every subsequent time I do, it does the softlock thing where the player character disappears but the raccoon in the window keeps moving and nothing else happens. This also happens if I beat stage 1 and hit continue but I've had to hit retry once beforehand. I beat stage 1 without a retry and it continued to stage 2 fine but as soon as I died on that stage and hit try again it just softlocked again. It does the same thing if I beat stage 1 and go to the shop and then try to continue to stage 2. I managed to get through stages 1 and 2 no upgrading and once I hit continue to stage 3, it softlocked again. I was able to bypass this issue in the .05 version by choosing quit to menu instead of retry or continue and then just hitting new game and it would start back up on whatever stage I was on previously on (including saving upgrades and amount of lipids) but since the .1 version doesn't have said menu I'm sort of SoL atm on that version. I think maybe having an actual pause menu with a retry or quit to menu option might allow one to get out of the softlock but I'm not sure. I'm on Windows 10 but I don't have another computer to verify if it's just an issue with this one. Aside from that though the game is pretty fun and through the quitting-to-menu-and-reloading method in .05 I was able to see some of the WG content which is ultimately what I'm here for. Hopefully the beta demo will work better on my end.