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Asuka seems to be quite proud of herself! She finally managed to show that she has in fact been paying attention to what Tina had been teaching her. Catching the powerful MMA fighter by surprise and rolling her up in a really tight pinfall that is combined with an armbar!
(Maybe.. even two armbars if I look at the legs?)

The sight of Asuka's expression seems to tell quite the story. She doesn't seem to have a lot of problems with keeping Mila there until she surrenders the match to her!




Look at the relief and joy on her face. That's adorable.


Well you know what they say pride comes before the fall


I think she is quite enjoying the fact to be on the other side for once! Must feel good to dish out such a one-sided performance!


This totally reminds me of one of Anna's combo throw finishers. Maybe she remembered some of the old moves that took her down? xD


asuka's win. very rare :p


Now that you say it.. Yes.. Indeed. That is one of Anna's moves! I totally didn't think about that while creating it. how odd.. Ha ha.