Deleting/Reworking a bit of old content - Other Stuff (Patreon)
Adjusting a bit of my older content:
Just as a quick heads-up: There is a possibility that a few of my creations will be taken down by me. Not a lot, but a few of them. The main focus seems to be on some Facesit-smother animations. To explain it in a short few sentences: If Asuka is unconscious and somebody is sitting on her, it could be taken out of context and be seen as a sexual assault which is against the Patreon-rules and also against my vision. In order to combat this issue, I will either add a little bit of context to the scene or delete it if that isn't possible. In the future, I will probably result to just have the 'character that is taking it' be fully awake. Either show them as trying to keep the match going by attempting to escape the position or by simply having them lay there and 'take it'.
Personally, I would like to continue making them as I have made them in the past since it does save up on a lot of Animating time (Since squirming is REALLY hard to animate and it takes a lot of time, which is hard to do with a weekly upload schedule..). A few old creations will probably be deleted by me altogether. You probably won't even notice that they are gone, since they are quite old by now and they did not seem to get a lot of traction as well.
This all started after I had asked the support about a lot of Ryona creators getting banned here and there. This also leads me to the next thing that won't change much, but might still be interesting to know.
I will remove the "Ryona"-Tag from my page. Which does not mean that my content will change. It is merely the tag that will go. The thing about 'Ryona' has always been rather confusing. My content isn't really 'ryona'. Rather, it holds a few connections to it. Which is mainly the domination aspect of one character being stronger than the other and the other trying to overcome it, even though she seems heavily outmatched.
The support team has told me, that it would probably be better for me to remove the tag, after I had specifically asked if I should remove it or not.
I might also remove a few other tags that could relate to things that aren't in the Context that I originally intended them to be in. I merely added these tags so that people could 'quickly find stuff that meets their likings, without giving any thought about how I worded these things'.
Other things:
You may also find me changing up my wording a little bit in order to not be taken out of context. I have to stress, I haven't asked the support about this, but I feel like that might be something that could be coming up. I used to call the winner of a fight "The aggressor" and the loser of a fight "the victim". I merely did that for the sake of convenience. English isn't my first language and I struggle to find a different word that sums the situation up. WIth the situation being: That it focuses on the move. The character that is applying the hold and the character that is taking the hold and struggling to escape to continue the match and to turn it around. I'll probably simply use other terms. Addressing them by their names or simply saying: "Winner/Loser". Although I opted to not use that one, calling one of these characters "Losers" would diminish them and make them seem weak and insignificant. Which is something I do not want since it is very vital for my work to have both characters feel like a force to be reckoned with. I'll figure something out : P
So to sum it up: My future content will stay just like it is, but with a few changes to the context that makes it clear, that none of the characters is participating in a fight without their consent. Or to make it even more clear: My creations will focus a bit more on the fight-setting itself. Since Wrestling and fighting is okay here on Patreon.
I do admit, I didn't really expect to end up in such a position. Since it is a bit scary. My income is currently focussed on my work here on Patreon. Seeing a chance that it might just vanish from one day to the other isn't too pleasant.. Obviously. But I will make sure to work on this until the support can completely reassure me, that there isn't any risk of my channel being put on hold in the future.
I do not believe that these small changes will impact your liking towards my work since it will pretty much stay the same. I just need to make sure to not have it look like my creation includes sexual violence. Which again: I did not perceive it as that.
I would also like to state that I am not mad at patreon or anything. But I do admit that the thought of deleting content that I had worked hard for at the time doesn't feel right to me.
Especially when it comes to animations.
The support has also told me: That it would be alright to still release all things completely unchanged, as long as they are not being funded through patreon. So, there is an option to have both a patreon and a different website that holds the creations in an unchanged way.
Although it is highly unlikely that these websites use Paypal as most of them only allow credit cards.
I am not sure if this is necessary though. Since my content isn't really going against any rules. Some of my creations are merely running the danger of doing so, if I do not offer a proper context to it which clearly shows that none of the characters are participating against their will.
I don't really know what else to say. I really enjoy Patreon and I am crossing my fingers that all goes well. I am the kind of person, that really does not want to leave if things are going well when it comes to services or websites. The same applies to Patreon. I have no intentions of leaving. But since you never know how things go.. Make sure to follow me on all of my websites or at least the ones that you also use. So that if I get deleted anywhere, that you will be able to find me again.
On that note.. Here are my currently active sites:
Deviant Art:
(^Quite new for me. Still figuring out how I will use that one!)
(^AND.. Last but not least.. If you REALLY want to make sure to know what is going on.. You can join the patreon exclusive discord server. Only members can join, but even if you delete your pledge, you will still be a member in the channel if you so desire!)