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BTS MOTS: 7 Listening Party PT1

BTS MOTS: 7 Listening Party PT1



Yes!!! I really wanted to hear your opinion on the album. I think this is their best album. It may even beat my beloved You never walk alone. Most of the songs were instant favorites (I didn't connect much with Filter the first time). My time is one of my favorites .

QingLing Wu

Yeah i know how you can imagine JHope's rapping fits Filter so well because Airplane pt2 and Filter have the Latinh feeling. And hope u will have a nice, chill sunset with My Time❤️


About the song time. This is what I think JK was saying:


Time meaning:


My time is a double meaning here, the first part is will I ever be able to recover my childhood because he started out as a kid and he's been working ever since and compared to other kids his age he has had to grow up extra fast and face so much in such a short amount of time and he feels like he has missed out on a lot of things(ordinary things) that other people got to do growing up because of his career path and as a result he is stuck in a different time and space than all his friends and normal people. The second part "my time" refers to moments of peace, of self-reflection, recovery and growth as in some "me time". If you notice in the beginning he's saying "I can't find you, I can't call you, I cant touch you", he is talking to his past self, his past time, because it's in the past and he can't go back to fix that, he can't get these moments back, and the in the second part he goes "I will find you, I will hold you, I will touch you" he is addressing his present self (saying that now that he know who he is and that he has met himself through the years and through the trials that he has been through and through all the amazing people that he has met, BTS and ARMY(referencing the line: happy that we met each other) and his future self (the line now till the very end), saying I will embrace you, I will find time for you, I will try to be there for me as well and try to balance everything out so I can be a better person for you (talking to his present and past self). This song is an introspective masterpiece and so is this whole album.


Filter is a deceptively sexy song. The music and the way he sings it is definitely sexy, and the lyrics at first look are, too. But then you realize what he's saying: that he changes himself according to what we want to see, that we see what we want and not who he really is. He's being slightly deprecating - very clever, and a little bit sad.

lela Li

Filter success showed filter literally the greatest hit of mot7 solo songs. Filter is legit iconic.