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Early upload for Patrons -- Enjoy!



Bryant Burn

Hell yeah first

Richard Reece

As an American I cackled when this notification popped up on my phone.

Boz Styne

It's still the wild west, except the dominant group rule over law and law enforcement; it's silver back gorilla peace, as opposed to true civility. "America Is the Only Country That Went from Barbarism to Decadence Without Civilization In Between" --- Oscar Wilde

S. P.

Wow, well done! This couldn’t have been easy to research but you nailed it, and all while being respectful to both sides! It’s so hard to deconstruct a mythology that has been established from the founding of this nation, but we are long overdue for some federal gun control legislation, imo. Another banger video!!


Great episode. Using the country's history as context for it's relationship with guns was enlightening. Thank you!


Amazing analysis! Love the video just to start. American gun laws are so weird and so engrained for us, going one way, or the other; it can be difficult to follow the black and white but it was great dive into history with an objective view. I do own a few, but I am in favor of regulation, and proper management of firearms as whole.

Dan ze Man

Good stuff my guy, i really love how you come at this from a purely historical and analytical view

Ben Marshall

Is there any plans to use the art style like in the video on ether? I ask because I love the style and think it works brilliantly with your silky smooth narration 🥰🥰 all the best