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  • Episode_171 - audiogram.mp4
  • Episode_171 - audiogram.mp4






Andy Johnson

Vito, send me some of that signed, bashed up Pop trash. I haven't complained about the show on twitter or reddit or nuthin. I just consume podcast and get excited for next podcast.


So, Vito hears the perfect pitch for new and easy to make videos that would absolutely get views, but he won't do them because he is cursed with his retard pride. It's no wonder Superkiller is never coming out.


I would also like a signed mother's milk. It's free shipping right? I live in Denmark

Blart Sampson

Anybody who is suing McDonalds over c50 more for OJ over coffee should go to Greenland

Crimson Shins

Vito get a fucking job you bum. Stop pussy footing around and just make the voice over videos.


When I'm in a Deflect Blame and Make Excuses competition and my opponent is Vito (He has been told to follow through on literally anything) :0


At least do some YouTube videos or something about fast food, it's clearly something you know a lot about and are passionate about (hehe), especially the business end for some reason. I worked as a food scientist for a few years, but surely people less autistic than me would be interested


dick why u block me on twitter. i thought you were my dad