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Biggest Problem #172

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I mean... we joke around about lateness and all, but Sunday? You guys are just underhanding these pitches to us... lol


LA is on fire dude lmao

Friggity Frank

😡This is some big BS, nothing short of the city of Los Angeles being literally on fire could justify this kind of lateness.😡


Wait is this what Vito pronounces “stratergery”? He really is incapable of speaking English. Every fucking word he says is pronounced wrong. He’s almost as bad as Australians


Hippity dippity a finna doppa do dat!


Lol, it's from an SNL skit, so technically he is pronouncing it better than I spelled it.


“It’s one of those situations where” “it’s one of those scenarios where” “it’s one of those things where” “it’s one of those times where” god look no further for the next TBF it’s every other sentence

Sam D

From bros with new dimes to Indian Einsteins

Sam D

Biggest problem: female firefighters

Sir Troll-o-Lot

From your best friend's bae, to Vito leaving his oven on and burning down LA.

Electrical Joe

Hopefully all the SuperKiller plushies got burnt to the Shadow Realm

Porko Ronkonkomo

Biggest problem: showboat sign language interpreters

Del Davis

BP: unsolicited parenting advice


Cock sucker!!!! Goddamnit Dick you Boomer! I missed the live because YOU don’t know how to post information correctly!

Felix Highlander

Please make burning signed MTG cards a weekly segment with the jingle being Vito screaming in pain. Start every episode with it. Also, Dick unban me on Twitter: @FelixHighlander