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  • Episode_172 - audiogram.mp4
  • Episode_172 - audiogram.mp4







Haha, get fucked Vito


my twitter handle if youre able to unblock it dick - tfox321 . danke


The best pay off to a bit i have ever seen.


That was by far the best ending to any podcast I’ve ever seen.

Electrical Joe

10/10. Suck salty balls Vito


Vito's whole "It's just a bit, nothing matters, who cares none of this matters, it's only for me" spiral is embarrassing for him because he knows what he's doing is shitty. Like Superkiller will be. Can't wait for the excuses if that ever comes out


The ending gave me the same feeling as seeing a guy hit a “one chance to make it” half court shot for a huge prize. I wanted to look around and be surrounded by a sea of people basking in a mutual feeling of holy shit I cannot believe he pulled it off.


A fitting outcome. When you make a deal with the devil to play a game for toys, seeing the item you most desire go up in flames somehow seems poetic and just. A moral tale told through a comedy podcast.

Martin O Keeffe

Vito states that life is absurd and that's why he doesn't care about people's houses being burned down, and then proceeds to have a meltdown about a magic the gathering card being destroyed. Please bring Vito's sister on the podcast as she could potentially reveal what childhood traumas have stunted Vito's development.