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Lama putting that poor, poor Pazuzu to the test, with a strap-on and some milking. ;3 Apologies for my relative quiet as of late. I've been having some health issues and so, I've not been able to be terribly active or able get much done the past month and a half. I had planned to post the next Pond Liaison piece this month, but sadly the health issues and pain kept me from working so I have to fall on a back-up piece instead. But I hope you will like it regardless :)




Ack - what's been going on? Was it something that happened or is this a more long term thing that's come back to bother you? My mate suffers from a long list of issues, so I know how frustrating it can be. :( Feel free to PM or e-mail about it if you wanna talk rather than posting it here. As for the picture - I would do EXACTLY what Lama tells me too... no muffled arguments. >_>


Really bad back, neck, and leg problems. something on-going that's been getting worse x.x And I got the bonus of bad stomach problems due to the pain meds i was given. ;-; And Lama wouldn't take any arguments. >:3