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Something rather darker than I normally do, though I have always enjoyed painting such things. Just an idea I've had for several years and been itching to finally complete it. Original idea the blood flow mirrored the Aurora Borealis much more, but alas ideas evolve as you work on them. Was so much fun getting the glitter of the show and the ice crystals on her frozen body. :) The image was actually inspired from the song Aurora, by Bjork. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugTtsJLOuOc



Draki DunkelDrache

Awwwwwww, bittersweet! Seeing her frozen like that hurts, especially her cold eyes. But she's cute in kinda every circumstance. =p The blood looks gorgeous on the snow! And the background, it's stunning! We hope she'll defrost soon and didn't got more than a lil' cold then. =)


Gods... it's such an eerie balance of absolute beauty and tragedy. Like... if I were walking along and came upon that, it'd just be overwhelming to see something and someone so beautiful, frozen in death like that. Would definitely tear me up - I'd wonder why.


Very lovely background and light. But...as much as amazing this picture looks, it really hurts to see Ultraviolet like this :c It's just art the most time, but seeing the own character hurt and sad in ways like this, often lets me think "Is the artist doing okay?" or "Does he/she suffers emotional pain?" ...Hope you are doing well my dear *hugs* <3


That is exactly the sort of juxtaposition I was aiming for, I really like using duality in that way. ^^


Thank you and well, I know its still not exactly correct, the blood flow due to the cold/ice. But, artistic licence for aesthetic reasons :3


It's worrying friends and fans like this, that i always hesitate to post such images, though i like to create them. But I assure you, health issues aside, I am fine ^_^