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Patreon backer's sketch reward for Draki. He wanted something of a precursor to the "Gimme a Shot" piece. Perhaps performing before he got tipsy and randy. ;p

Have to say, it was a pleasure to draw something of him that wasn't just porn and was more just "him". :)

Thank you Draki!

For the curious, the song he is singing is  actually Tomorrow by Daughter:





Oh cool! It's nice to see him performing! Makes me wonder what Azriel's voice is like? Human-ish, or maybe a tone that sounds only partly human with extra tones or sounds from a different sort of vocal cord? And while not porn, this is my favourite picture of him in ages for showing off those amazing footpaws of his. :3 I would constantly be glancing at those. Which hopefully would not earn be a guitar over the head. KABONG! (bonus points if you know where that's from). XD

Draki DunkelDrache

I love the emotions, this dragon and the way you draw it! Thank you! <3