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How would you all feel if I wound up doing some little animations for you all here? Right now I have the idea to do some kind of blow job animation involving Lama but I'm still milling it over. I currently aim to do it more traditionally (not using tweens, puppet warm etc) I'm not yet very experienced in it, but its something id like to pursue and practice with. :)



I'd say go with the idea. Animations sound a whole lot of fun.


Animation can be difficult! But its always more satisfying the harder it is. Pun intended.


I'd actually love to see an animation involving blowjobs and UV. <.< *cough* But Lamashtu is good too.


I would love seeing the attempt! You are a super-talented lady, so I'm sure you'd get it looking pretty good in time. And this is a great medium on which to try it out and get good feedback.


Ohh yes! It'll probably be lots of work, but definitely is an interesting idea~ With my preferences, the theme of it is also very <3 Could very well volunteer as a "crew" >;P

Draki DunkelDrache

You consider to do an animation with Lama? Damn, what can I say than that it would be super amazing! I would love to see you creating that! 8D


I would love to see any animation work you try out!