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Season 3 Episode 7 - The Most Powerful Man in the World (and His Identical Twin Brother)

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this episode OBVIOUSLY

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#TheLeftovers #Season3 #TheMostPowerfulManInTheWorld

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Ann Dowd was nominated for an Emmy for outstanding guest actor, the only Emmy nomination the show ever got in 3 seasons. She did not win. ;(


Show somebody the pilot of the series and tell them THERE WILL BE A PENIS SCANNER IN A LATER EPISODE.


I just love how Kevin's dream world fixes a lot of the things that were wrong in the real world. Here, Evie is a rebel still, but she's now on the side of fixing humanity rather than destroying it. Her message is "love will keep us together" because he knows that he understood why Evie did what she did back in Season 2, and perhaps that same understanding can be useful in enacting change to repair the last big rift he has to bridge: his relationship with Nora. Here, she at least gets a tiny bit of redemption for turning into such a callous person.