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The Leftovers Reactions

Season 3 Episode 8 - The Book of Nora

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this episode OBVIOUSLY

Patreon Exclusive FULL REACTIONS!

#TheLeftovers #Season3Finale #TheBookOfNora

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Glad you liked it - also glad that you didn't directly believe Nora. You wouldn't believe how many people didn't even question her. I also saw people more than just a few times swear that they literally saw Nora on "the other side" even though it was just Nora/Carrie Coon telling this story. That's just how good she and the writing is.


I for one don't believe Nora. The implications are just too unbelievable. If the machine works, word would spread and the 2% would probably want to return. That nobody has heard about this in all those years? Yeah, no. But who knows. As the Nun told Nora "It's just a nicer story" and I think Nora needed that to cope with her inability to try the machine. She's a liar, even though she claims she's not. She just is. And that's ok.


And yeah, Kevin's heart condition... is that how he was able to die and go to the "afterlife"? Or was it all in his head? Who knows. Let the mystery be :)

JK Reacts

I do love that they did not give direct answers to the questions. Basically life is chaos. Deal with it 😋


Also worth mentioning is the music. Max Richter is so fantastic. Saw him last November play the soundtrack for the show and got my Blu-rays signed by him :)


You're probably the first reactor who didn't just takes Nora's story as fact, but accepted the ambiguity of it, which is really the kind of takeaway one should get out of this finale. Thank you again so much for reacting to this show, it's been a blast to rewatch this show with you every week for the past few months! Can't wait to rewatch BCS with you. ;]


I also can't imagine Laurie's fetus just flopping on the ground at that doctor's office lol

JK Reacts

Thanks for suggesting it! Can't wait to start Saul. Going to try to watch the first one tonight after work (I work until midnight on the weekends) Essential my ass 😋


New thread on reddit with a bunch of people being absolutely sure that they saw Nora on the "other side" https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLeftovers/comments/ggpec2/am_i_imagining_this_scene/

John M.

When my partner and I watched this for the first time, when the credits rolled, the first thing she said was, "So that's what happened." And I looked at her like she was crazy. It never occurred to me for one second to take Nora at her word. And it never occurred to my partner for one second to doubt her. We didn't even know the contrary position existed until we talked about it. Gosh I love this show. Two thoughts I had on rewatch: 1) Nora standing on the roof is rather obvious callback to the Great Disappointment that started the season. I'm embarrassed I missed it. The woman was waiting for God but Nora was waiting for love to return to her life, which is why the doves eventually return when they do. 2) Kevin's confession is the simplest explanation to an episode that had been baffling up until that point. And it's just a little disappointing, isn't it? Occam's razor is like that. "It's just a better story." Thanks for the reactions! You're smart enough that it's not frustrating to watch, but you're not desperately trying to control the material to show how smart you are. And you're not afraid to cry. I'll be back if there's any Wire or Buffy/Angel in your future, maybe some Deep Space Nine (though that would only work on Patreon; they're real bastards at CBS). Cheers!