I won't make it official in case other members flood in and somehow trip the balance haha xD
Who I will be focusing on by priority (Top to Bottom)
Main Characters
Side characters
Obscure and little-known characters. I guess I specialize in this if I can train on a character with one image haha (I won't though, they would just be stuck in the same pose haha) xD
Over the next week when I am off character requests, I will start all of this and release works as I make them.
Once August 31st ends at 12am PST, I will reopen the Main reQuest form for the month of September 1st - 15th, and then the Poll will start the 16th till the end.
I do feel like messaging everyone was a good idea as I feel like some people's feeds don't show everything it seems. Once I sent out the message a bunch of people poured in, so expect it for the next Form & Poll.
[Main reQuest Applies to ALL TIERS, meaning that any created works for this will be made available to all paid members!]
The solution to preventing repeated Choices:
Since it's a poll, there will be a grace period where if a character/series/theme has already been voted on, it will be ignored on future polls for 6 months since the final result of the poll.
These will be saved on a sheet for everyone to see of what cannot be chosen up to 6 months.
This way people do not keep voting on the same character/series/theme over and over again!
I want everyone to feel like they have more of an impact on the polls as when polls typically happen, people come and go and may end up voting on the same choice when they weren't here.
This will be a Test and the initial start of the ReQuests! Side ReQuests will come in starting mid-September, as this is very new, and I need to understand the workflow.
All options are added to the poll, and only one of each was submitted so here they are!
Once this poll closes I will then do as many female characters as possible from the chosen one at the end of the month. Maybe try male characters to be included in couples sets if possible.
Tie Breaker will have to be me if there is a tie. unless others have an idea if you guys don't want me to haha xD I could use a randomizer or something as well xD