Potential Test Run: For Multi-Character Content Image Count (Possibly for all other content too if this works out.) (Patreon)
Ok everyone, I’ve been quite bothered about the quality of my multi-character content lately. (Also, my normal content isn’t as bad, but I’m still considering reducing the image count there too.)
The biggest limitation I realized is that generating a ton of images at once—trying to have as many as possible—often makes me push through some not-so-great images. Because of this, it takes more time overall to generate everything, but doesn’t necessarily lead to better quality.
Also the more images I have to look through to delete, the more time it takes and chances of missing bad images.
(Generally once I am prepping to upscale to post on here I send all the images into their own folders named after the post name, and then I quickly scan through and delete the bad images.)
I’ve been thinking about reducing the multi-character image count by a lot, which would give me more time to really boost the quality. I feel like I’ve hit a wall in terms of quality, and having so many images to push out limits my ability to upscale the best ones at larger sizes or possibly do some inpainting touch-ups.
I’ve also been following a bigger creator for quite a while, and their content quality has been super impressive. I know they probably earn much more, so they can afford better hardware to crank out a bunch of images, pick the best ones, and do some final touch-ups.
I want to give people an idea of what's on my mind about this since it's been bothering me for a while.
Also hit 200k images.....available to cloud tiers...so I think I have made more images than most Patreon creators out there.
みなさん、最近、マルチキャラクター コンテンツの質にかなり悩まされています。(また、通常のコンテンツはそれほど悪くはありませんが、そこでも画像数を減らすことを検討しています。)
私が気づいた最大の制限は、一度に大量の画像を生成すると (できるだけ多くしようとすると)、あまり良くない画像を押し通してしまうことがよくあることです。このため、すべての画像を生成するのに全体的に時間がかかりますが、必ずしも品質が向上するわけではありません。
また、画像が 20 万枚に達しました...クラウド ティアで利用可能...なので、ほとんどの Patreon クリエイターよりも多くの画像を作成していると思います。