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I normally start my day working on pencils, but for today it worked out better for me to start with coloring this page.

A lot of Cassandra's actions in this chapter actually come from the infamous episode of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares where he visited Amy's Baking Company (hence why Cassandra's shop is also named "Cassandra's Baking Company"). I'm not sure how many people have watched the episode, but one of the more bizarre moments was when Ramsay learned that she was actually just buying cakes from other shops to resell them, and she gave a similar argument to what Cassandra has in this page.




I've seen clips from that episode. Amy and her spouse were real pieces of work.


That is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard. Like just the sheer audacity of it. I’ve never watched the show but I might need to for this. Also that is quite the development in the last two panels.


Yeah, I kind of wanted to mention the show to show that I'm not just making up the most ridiculously selfish thing I could think of... it's all based on a real person


I don't think I've ever seen Gordon Ramsay just be as "done" with a person as he was with Amy on that episode. And sadly the act of maliciously buying and then reselling baked goods as your own is not nearly as uncommon as people would think. Something very similar happened in my small town growing up between two mom n' pop stores.


Is this going to be a powerful narrative moment for her to retain self control over this outrage or tentacles, or both somehow?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that the only time Gordon Ramsay actually gave up on a restaurant he was trying to help?