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Happy Halloween everyone! To be perfectly honest I don’t really associate  mummies with Halloween… obviously they’re some of the classic American monsters, but I dunno… I think there’s just too many complications for mummies versus the other famous monsters. Like… anyone could be turned into a vampire or werewolf, but there’s a lot of steps involved with mummies.

Still, while I was brainstorming ideas for Halloween pinups with CGI, I got stuck on this idea of Inara dressed as a mummy… I just felt like the white bandages wrapped around her dark skin and bulging muscles would be really sexy. This was a major collab between myself, CGI, and my wife, Rainbow-flyer. I penciled and colored Inara, but I didn’t have any kind of background… Rainbow-Flyer designed all of that, as well as inking Inara. I also didn’t really intend for the jewelry to look the way it does… I was thinking of just gold bands with red jewels. But CGI actually went out of his way to look up what ancient Egyptian jewelry and makeup actually looked like, so he gave the jewelry a lot more life and color that I think really makes the picture pop.

As for me, I’m going to be taking the day off for Halloween… I’ll probably just relax, watch some scary movies, and drink some pumpkin flavored beer (if I can find any).



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