Bonus: Bianca Vampire: Hi-Res Early Access (Patreon)
2018-10-30 23:52:16
That's right, we have a second Halloween pinup for everyone! I'll be sharing this publicly on Halloween day, so this isn't much of an early access compared to the usual, but I still wanted to share it with everyone on Patreon first. There's a bit of a story behind this one... I was feeling bad that I had missed three days of work last week, so when I mentioned it to my wife, Rainbow-Flyer, she said if I just did a rough sketch she would finish the whole thing into a full illustration. So I did a very simple sketch of Bianca in a Dracula cape... and that's pretty much it. I've attached the original sketch for anyone who wants to see... But she seriously went ridiculously above and beyond anything I could have expected. She designed Bianca's outfit, changed her hair style and expression to be more dynamic, and she added Hannah completely on her own. Honestly, I probably spent half an hour or less on my sketch, but she really went all out and turned this into a better Halloween pinup than the one I drew with the intent of it being my Halloween pinup lol