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That's right, we have a second Halloween pinup for everyone! I'll be sharing this publicly on Halloween day, so this isn't much of an early access compared to the usual, but I still wanted to share it with everyone on Patreon first. There's a bit of a story behind this one... I was feeling bad that I had missed three days of work last week, so when I mentioned it to my wife, Rainbow-Flyer, she said if I just did a rough sketch she would finish the whole thing into a full illustration.  So I did a very simple sketch of Bianca in a Dracula cape... and that's pretty much it. I've attached the original sketch for anyone who wants to see... But she seriously went ridiculously above and beyond anything I could have expected. She designed Bianca's outfit, changed her hair style and expression to be more dynamic, and she added Hannah completely on her own. Honestly, I probably spent half an hour or less on my sketch, but she really went all out and turned this into a better Halloween pinup than the one I drew with the intent of it being my Halloween pinup lol



Pedro MG

Nice, she knows how to adapt the character according to the concept like she wants


This is awesome! She did a fantastic job on this one.


Well this is just delightful! Well done to the both of ya!