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Rainbow Flyer is still working on the Saturday update for Banana Sundae. She basically runs on a more literal definition of the update schedule lol for me the "Saturday" update actually goes up on Friday night, though I guess that's more on me for being weird.  We're drawing near the close of this chapter, and things are going to get even more interesting from here.

This tentacle scene has actually been surprisingly fun. There's a surprising amount of freedom to do some pretty crazy stuff when tentacles are involved lol though it does get a little complicated keeping track of everything. I even found a way to fit in some stuff with her nose and ears... I forget who, specifically, but one patreon has been pushing for nose sex for this chapter. I actually looked it up, and I found a few "dick in nose" illustrations, and to me it ranged from gross to just plain goofy. So something like what you see here is pretty much the farthest I feel like I would ever take that outside of  commissions




how many babies ru gonna put into her???


when jenna finally cums and anastasia explodes is when it should end.


I might need to add another page to this, because this was intended as the climax for the scene, but most people seem to be waiting for something more...