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We did it! Thanks to everyone's generous donations weve reached over 900$ a month on our Patreon page! This means that for the foreseeable future Rainbow Flyer will be contributing two pages of Banana Sundae every week, on Satuerday and Sunday. This also means that, for the first time in almost a year, I'll finally start to have one solid day off a week. I've been producing this series as close to a daily schedule as I've been able to manage since around last October... I've occasionally stumbled, but this extra help from Rainbow Flyer should make everything go even smoother from now on. Although I may take advantage of this to also simply build up a larger backlog of pages. However, if you just can't wait to see more of traditional Banana Cream Cake don't forget that Patreon supporters who donate at least $5/month get to see pages nearly a whole month in advance.

Also, there's still one more day left to cast your vote on the next page of Side Dishes! It's still a very tight race, though so far I do think that the top choice seems like a solid one.




Yes !!! Its good to see this series come back :)