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Today was a bit of an odd day for me because I had some obligations with my family that I had to take care of this afternoon, so I actually got started on this page super early in the day. Mondays are also unusual for CGI, because he regularly has things to take care of specifically on Mondays, so he usually gets to the comic later than usual on this day. Normally this means that I take it easy on Mondays... I don't feel the need to get the page to him any earlier than usual, so Mondays are actually pretty casual on my end. But this time I didn't want to be too far behind after all of that, so for the first time in months I actually flatted my own work... and now I remember why I was so happy when CGI volunteered to help with the flats. It's a long, boring process lol I don't know how he puts up with it every day. Plus it helps to have his input on color decisions... it's actually really fun to send him a design with a new character and see what his color decisions are. I very rarely have to make any adjustments to his ideas, since he's got a good sense of design and color balance.

Also, Side Dishes updated again this week, and I'm trying to encourage readers to contribute to the discussion this time, because I think it's about time we started talking more about what's going to happen for the finale of the story.



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