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I've got exciting news! After uploading the series for sale on Mikandi I was actually contacted Jen McEwen, one of the co-founders of the site, and she was interested in interviewing me for a creator spotlight! I hope that my answers to her questions are insightful... I tried to make a point of clarifying who or what certain things are so it would make sense to people not familiar with the comic. You can go ahead and check out the interview here: https://mikandi.com/blog/featured-artists/interview-adult-comic-artist-transmorpher-dds/

Also, we're still having some interesting discussions on this week's page of Side Dishes as we figure out where the comic should go.




I read the interview man it was really interesting seeing your opinions on how you viewed your work and progress. Congrats man I am curious on how she found you out.


I actually asked her about that... apparently she was already a fan of the comic, so when she saw the comics uploaded to the site she chose to contact me