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Hey everyone!  Here I am with episode 4 of Hawkeye, yay!!  Oh dang, so much going on in this one!  Just when we kinda start to accept Jack.....yeah he's still not on the up on up lol.
Clint and Kate really grow in their bond and mentor/student/friend/partner relationship here!  Loved the heart to heart, the holiday party, etc.!  But dang, considering all he's been through, I guess it's not surprising that he'd get scared and shut her out that way.  So sad!!!
And OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!  That cameo though!!!!!!!!!!  What on earth kinda role does she have to play here?!  Guess we'll find out!!!!!!!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Hawkeye 1x04 full reaction.mp4



"Best shot you've ever taken?" "The one I didn't." Kate didn't take the shot, I wonder how that will play out. I'm very excited and unprepared for how Yelena is going to come into play in the next few episodes, I really loved her character in Black Widow and getting to see her again is amazing. Sucks that its because she's an antagonist to Clint but I wonder how long that will be the case. (I believe Maya and Yelena are fighting for different means, Yelena is probably there cuz of what she was told at the end credits scene of Black Widow). The ending scene hurts alot actually, cuz you can see why both Kate and Clint are doing and saying what they do. All Kate has ever wanted to do is be able to help people and be a hero like her idol, she knows she has the abilities and as we all know generally if you have the means the help then you should. But with Clint, he's lost people because of this responsibility, despite his abilities and his experience he has lost people, and even lost himself to what he does, he doesn't want to lose anyone else, especially because the problems they're facing are consequences of his past and such - so he's taking all of the responsibility on his shoulders and putting his foot down to make sure this kid that has idolized him doesn't either become him OR die because of him. With great power comes great responsibility in a way. God, I can't wait until you react to next ep, one of my fav scenes in it, but other than that! Excellent reaction as per usual, and I look forward to more! Hope you're having a great day/night!


He has a lot of feelings towards repeating the past. And doesnt want to string anyone along. Clint's heart is in the right place. I loved that Kate just marched back up the roof of the building like "uh uh you can't get rid of me that easily" ❤


Hmmm!!!! Good point there! Ah yes, I had totally forgotten about the details of that end credit scene, good call!!! So excited for how she'll fit in and hopefully she won't be in the antagonist role for long, like you said. That is so well said!!! Their motivations really come through here!!! So sad!!!! Thank you so much, I'm so happy you liked my reaction!!! And omg, it's killing me that I'm an ep behind, really need to remedy that haha!!!! Thanks and hope you have a great one as well :D


Right!!! So understandable, but so sad. And yeah, Kate's not gonna have ANY of that hahaha!