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Hey everyone!  Here's my reaction to episode 69!  Good lord guys, as if dodgeball wasn't scary enough, let's make it NEN DODGEBALL!!!  I love how we can take a simple game and get creative with rules, loopholes, and all the magic that nen brings.  Gotta admit, I was pretty glad to have Hisoka on our side in this one!  But dang, Razor isn't gonna go down very easily!  Also, had not considered that about the real-life game having real-life convicts as the "sprites"....!!!  Doesn't look like Razor values their lives too much either lol.  Well, we've felt out the situation - what will happen next?  Can't wait to find out!  Great ep!  Enjoy!!  ~ MH


Hunter x Hunter 1x69 full reaction.mp4



As someone who has been hit in the face by dodgeballs in the face numerous times at gym class I can say w/ complete confidence that it is not fun. 🥲 I'm so grateful for the visual diagram when explaining rules. I'd be lost on even simple explanations, that's how visual I am. Without the help it's just in one ear & out the other ➡️ 😖💨


Awww I'm so sorry, dodgeball sounds awful even when it's just regular dodgeball! Oh yes I know, they're awesome with providing explanations on this show. Especially if you're a visual learner, that's so essential. I'm more of an auditory learner but since I can't understand the language I need the diagrams :P


those dodgeball rules are kinda weird.. he said if he hit player A and player B (from the same team) catch the ball before it wall down.. he is safe.. no he isnt.. he is very clearly dead whatever the ball fall down or someone catchs it.. :DD also.. i remember there was one situation which i didnt know what would happen (based on the rules).. but it was long ago.. and i forgot.. :/ maybe it will be in the next episode.. I'll ask if thats the case.. :D


LOL well I guess you can be "safe" and dead at the same time..... :P Oh yes you'll have to let me know if you see it/think of it!