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Hey everyone!  Here's my reaction and review of Clone Wars 6x12!  Wow, here we go with Yoda's big adventure!!  Gotta say, I wasn't ready for Evil Yoda....!!  And it's a great point made here that no matter how wise you are, you're always learning and there's always room for humility!  Next mission sounds even more scary and dangerous so you know it's gonna be a good one!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Clone Wars 6x12 full reaction.mp4



In the Vision Yoda had with the "good" Dooku, he told a story about the Terentatek. That creature was first introduced in the video game "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic". They being mentioned here made them canon again, They where/are, a little smaller than rancors, but have poisonus claws and fangs. they hunted the force sensitive, but themselfs are very resitend to the use of the force. Next episode, the planet Moraband, was also know as Korriban. That planet was mentioned a lot of times on older star wars canon. Books, games etc. Its an planet as important as Typhoon.

Brandon Dodge

Lots of cool things in this episode. The creatures that Yoda talks to are the Whills. In George Lucas' original plans for the Sequel Trilogy he was gonna delve more into them. The opening crawls in every movie were going to be from perspective of the Whills. It's cool that we got them in these episodes. The original homeworld of the Sith from Knights of The Old Republic and Legends, Korriban, was going to be used, but George thought it sounded too similar to Coruscant, so he changed it. My headcanon is that it used to be Korriban, but the Republic changed it to Morriband lol I think so far what we're seeing doesn't contradict Revenge of The Sith since in the beginning they were already suspicious of Palpatine, so much so that they sent Anakin to spy on him. And all Yoda knows is that Dooku participated pretty directly in the creation of the Clone Army, the name Darth Sidious, and that eventually the Sith might destroy the Jedi. The saddest bit of the episode was seeing Ahsoka and this vision of what could have been. Seeing Obi-Wan, Qui Gon, Dooku, and Yoda all together.


Ohhhh, that's so cool! Love the connection there. Also good to know about Moraband/Korriban. I love that they're taking time on details like this!


Yes!!! Oh wow, I had no idea about the Whills! LOL I like that head canon, that makes sense! Gotcha, yeah, I suppose it doesn't throw anything off about episode 3! OMG right?! Seeing Ahsoka again...!! What could have been.......sighs.....!!!


An episode like this can only be done in animation, else it might look a tad ridiculous in live action. And that for me is why I feel these days, that Star Wars is in its best guise, in animation. The stories they can tell, the freedom they can do that in, the longer format storytelling, lends itself best to animation. Yoda feeling the guilt of the orders imminent demise, gets me every time; but thats the lesson here, he has to let go of that guilt and attachment to it, if he is to succeed and become a force ghost. Great stuff.


That's a good point about animation being so much more free and flexible in a way! The guilt is definitely understandable and sad to watch but I was happy to see him work through it too!!