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Hey everyone!!  Here it is - my reaction to the ep 7 of RWBY ICE QUEENDOM!!!!  WHOA!!!!!!  I feel like we're making some real progress here - literally getting Weiss to bring down some walls!!  The inside of the sillies jail was heartbreaking at first - all the things a little girl wanted but had to deny herself and shut away.  And then it quickly turned to nightmarish of course haha.  Jaune being Jaune was able to get those little meowers talking and leading a resistance for a short time!  Also who else loved seeing the mini Jaune and Pyrrha adventure?!  Do we still stand a chance against Negative Weiss though?!  We better figure out fast, because we're running out of time!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Ice Queendom 1x07 full reaction.mp4


Kayleigh McRae

This episode adds to the series itself. During the Vytal Festival. Weiss was very excited to experience it. And IceQueendom took that and answered why. She wasn't allowed to go to festivals.

Kayleigh McRae

Also I noticed something. I think Negative Weiss is also Weiss. But influenced by the nightmare. Because the nightmare is the thorns and stuff. So the thorns wrapped around the silly Ren and Nora and changed them to negative versions. But as they and the robots were closing in on Jaune and Dream Pyrrha. Weiss stepped in and saved them with that powerful blast. If she wanted them gone she wouldn't have attacked the nightmare forces... So the theory that Weiss is protecting everyone in her own way is true. Even though her goal at the moment as Negative Weiss is to punish her friends now for causing mayhem in the city.


Hi Hime :) There is a mismatch that disturbed me during my viewing, when the train arrives in town, for a moment you see Jaune with the hat and gloves that are given to him later in the cage. I knew the mini Weiss would make you scream (as much as the Jacques statue would freak you out). When I saw the statue strike a pose, I couldn't help laughing personally. But when it became the attack of the Weiss titans they became less cute. It's always a bit hard to follow, because yes Nega Weiss stopped Ruby and the others from attacking the grimm, but she also protected Jaune and Pyrrha from the attack of the robots, Nora and Ren controlled by the grimm. I feel like this is the real Weiss, but she thinks the way to solve the problem is different from the way others think, which leads them to clash unfortunately.


Great reaction i do hope you still react to the Yang Weiss and Blake death battle :) xxx

John J Ronald

I feel like Attack of the Loli Weiss Titans were a manipulation by the Nightmare Grimm....like it's trying to make Weiss believe that if she gives free rein to her inner child it will only end in chaos and destruction. I have a feeling when it came to keeping Weiss repressed and on a short leash, big Sis Winter sadly was part of the problem. But the real lesson should be to be kind to that inner child, to never lose that childlike enthusiasm and joy, even as you get older. The Nightmare doesn't want her to believe that.

John J Ronald

Studio SHAFT has learned the art of the RWBY Cliffhanger, eh?

Tyler Stobbe

First, before I forget - we have ruled that you have to get a wrist slap. Why, you ask? Simple: It’s RWBY, there are no “next episode previews,” and by shutting the show off ten seconds too early you missed the best fan art end card to date. Sorry, but that decision came directly from our Ice Queen herself. She’s very disappointed that you missed it. :P She DID say everyone here will receive judgment… :P Now that your ahem, “punishment” has been properly administered, there’s a few things to notice in the episode. First, the sword Jaune is originally paired with does not seem to be his. It’s too big for him and he can barely hold it. (Also I imagine the girls talking about how Weiss thinks he can’t handle his weapon probably is going to inspire a few memes before next weekend.) He does eventually get his ACTUAL Crocea Mors sword, but… what was the big one for then? 🤔 Well, it’s stuck in the train Excalibur style now if we need to find out later…. Shion told the group the dream will respond to their influence only if the dreamer sees it as a positive change, so saving the train from the White Fang does make sense. Someone pointed out that when Ruby and Yang kill a “White Fang,” they disappear like Grimm - but when Blake does it - they bleed out because she’s killing “her own kind,” or at least as Weiss sees them. It’s a bit strange how Jaune had to go get his winter gear from the teammates while everyone else same originally equipped. Either there’s a disparity in continuity or something’s up. Of course, if the Nightmare can’t detect Jaune, that might be why he had to re-equip from his friends. After the train was saved, that confusing sign changed and started pointing downward. Now that I think of it, there’s also another strange sign inside the Sillies’ jail, where Pyrrha takes Jaune to get the Yellow Relic. There was another sign on Ruby’s bed where the Red Relic was found. Could that sign at the start be pointing to the Black Relic? It would fit with where Weiss thinks Blake is anyway. And it seems every time someone figures out an issue here, the sign untangles itself a little more as a result. As soon as the relic was taken, the sign inside the relic changed from stop to go. Is there any meaning behind that? Also Pyrrha seemed a little surprised that Jaune gave the relic to Ruby almost immediately. And not a bit unconcerned. Does she know something? Unlike other characters, she doesn’t say anything in this episode, she just does stuff, and reacts to situations accordingly. I’m sorry, my train of thought just got derailed by fifty Tiny Weiss’ escaping and causing all sorts of chaos… I’m not sure what my eyeballs are telling me right now but my brain is having some issues processing it… I think that’s what they like to call Cuteness Overload…. 👀 The tiny Weiss army is clearly stronger than the Klein led army, they even turned Grumpy Klein happy. Also Ren and Nora responded to Ruby and Jaune, but it seems more if a reflex than an actual personality, because they just kept repeating “fight for freedom!” Either way the regular Imperial forces (now this sounds like Star Wars) are no match for the overwhelming desires of younger Chibi Weiss. She was holding in a LOT of stuff in that cage….. It makes sense that Weiss would all this protected, but now the real problem is… once all those things she has value on are let out of the jail the Nightmare can get to them. It not only corrupts the different “Tiny Weisses” but also gets its thorns into Ren and Nora. Wait wait wait… time out… I see giant Weiss’ roaming through the city… WHEN DID THIS BECOME AN ATTACK ON TITAN SPIN-OFF? Quick, everyone get away from the windows! The Weiss-tans are revolting! (Starts humming the theme song) Negative Weiss isn’t playing, either. It seems as the dream changes, the Nightmare exerts more pressure on that aspect of Weiss. I do actually think that’s the real Weiss, but the Nightmare’s got her true emotional self suppressed and is only allowing the worst parts of her to act. She used a glyph to destroy Grumpy Klein, threatened Bat Whitley… and she also used the same glyph power to… destroy the dream versions of Ren and Nora? Oh, and she on top of all that, controls the weather too. Great. If Klein didn’t survive that blast, are Ren and Nora’s dream versions dead after that blast as well? Or do they have enough protection that they’re just knocked out? Can’t confirm anything until we get a closer look. Next thing you’ll tell me we’ll get the Colossal Titan to wreak havoc on top of everything else… *sees Weiss activate the giant statue of Big Nicholas… Me: Umm… me and my big mouth… you know what, maybe that’s enough for today… 😅 /backs away slowly Five chapters left to go! Also, non related PS: House of the Dragon airs its first episode on Sunday!


Seeing mini Jaune and Pyrrha made my heart skip a beat. That happenedto anyone else?! 💓 🥲


I think I am starting to wonder about that too! That's an excellent point, why step in to save them?? I didn't even catch that. So even though she still has her "mission" as set out by the dream, that she's following, she's still protecting her friends!


Hi Spadeas! :) Ohhhh I didn't notice that! Little editing flub perhaps? Hahahaha the baby Weisses just killed me! And the Jacques statue most definitely freaked me out! Hahaha the post was quite dramatic wasn't it :P Weiss Titans, omg!! Yeah I don't think I fully followed that she was attacking yet protecting. I think you might be right that it's the real Weiss! I guess we'll find out!


Hahahaha Loli Weiss Titans, omg!!!!!!! That's a great point, it's the Nightmare's way of convincing her of the potential chaos maybe? You might be right about Winter, as much good as she did for Weiss, there's also that restrictive strictness. Yes, that's such a great lesson, and definitely one the Nightmare doesn't want - after all, how will it feed on negativity then??


Ohhh I will go back and look at that fanart before the next ep, sorry!!! I know there's no previews on regular RWBY, but seeing as how this is a different studio, I would like my sentence changed from a slap on the wrist to a big plate full of chocolate chip cookies please. :) Hahahaha the sword memes will take over the internet, I'm sure, but that's a good point that it didn't seem to be meant for him. OOOHHH that is nasty about the difference when Blake kills a White Fang, wow. Also good call on the positive change. Oh yeah the lack of detection could be why Jaune didn't have his winter gear. Ohhhh that's interesting about the sign, perhaps it is pointing to the black relic and untangling itself as we make more progress. Interesting thought about Pyrrha!!! I'll be curious to see what it means. Hahahaha cuteness overload is a totally appropriate response to the stampede of tiny Weisses! Yeah Ren and Nora can talk but didn't seem to have much personality still, like you said. Oh yeah, never underestimate the amount of damage a bored, hyper child can do! Every army would quake in fear hahaha. That is a huge problem, that everything getting out of the sillies jail means they're no longer protected and can be corrupted. HAHAHAH if team RWBY starts swinging through the Nightmare on ODM gear I'm gonna get real suspicious.....!!! Yeah Negative Weiss did some serious damage, I have no idea if dream Ren and Nora made it! I think you're right it's actual Weiss, just really corrupted. Hahahha STOP MAKING PREDICTIONS!!!! I don't need any more nightmare fuel in the form of giant Titans!!!! :P We're more than halfway through. Oh and thanks for the heads up on House of the Dragon! ^_^

John J Ronald

I'm slowly piecing together that there must be four dream relics, each color coded for Team RWBY.....that they have to go collect like dragonballs or pokemon or whatever. I predict that will be a key part of freeing Weiss from the Nightmare at a symbolic level.

kamenriderhime (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 22:40:48 OMG I know!!!!!! It totally happened to me <3
2022-08-19 12:51:23 OMG I know!!!!!! It totally happened to me <3

OMG I know!!!!!! It totally happened to me <3


Yeah that'd make sense! Lol like Dragon Balls for sure. Or Pokemon! That would be some great symbolism for sure!

Nathan Poulain Cigrand

I don't know why, but I can't access this episode in particular, is it normal? :/


The link disappears sometimes when I unlock the post for the Plus Ultra tier! So annoying, sorry!! It should be fixed now :)

Nathan Poulain Cigrand

Yay it worked! Loved your reaction btw, can't wait to see your reaction to the next episode :)


Oh good!! And thanks so much, glad you liked my reaction hope you enjoy the next one!! ^_^