Red vs. Blue 10x14 - 10x16 - reaction & review (Patreon)
Hey everyone! Here I am with Red vs. Blue, season 10, eps 14 - 16! OH WOW!!!
So much going on in this one....from Carolina's overdrive in the present, to Church starting to defend her, to seeing more of the past where York is clearly amazing boyfriend material, to that FREAKY moment where all the AIs responded to the "Allison" scream....!!! Oh yeah, and let's not forget the absolutely disturbing scene of Sigma and Gamma torturing Church/Alpha....!!!!!!!! And creating Epsilon!!!!!!!! OMG, somehow that process is even more messed up than I expected!!!! And on a cheerier note....DONUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! Can't wait to see what happens next! Great eps! Enjoy! ~ MH