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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to RWBY Vol. 9, ep 7!!!!  OMG, this one was so sad :(((((((((  Jaune protecting all the little paper cuties, giving them names after his friends, desperately trying to control something in his life and protect something that he actually can protect....it's too much!!!  :(  Ruby finally lets her feelings show in this one, which is good, but her and Jaune blowing up at each other made me sad!
Nonetheless, I hope it's a step in the right direction when it comes to getting some of this stuff out.  I know Ruby loves her friends and wants them to be happy, but how could she not be angry about all that's happened to her and no one trying to help.  Three eps to go you guys, how are we gonna fix this!!!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH



Even with her new Powers we can still see when Neo uses them. When the Jabberwalker transformed itself into Neo, you could see the pink particles. That was not seen when Ruby was attacked. So I think this was Ruby seeing things. You have to remember: Penny's hack, Cinder attacking them and Salem revealing her mother's fate all happened in the last few days for Ruby.


Hi Hime :) Welcome to PTSD land... The episode where we explore the traumas of Jaune and Ruby. Let's start with Jaune, after being forced to "kill" Penny, he wanted to become a protector, a hero, when Alyx and Lewis arrived, that's what he tried to do but despite his guidance, Alyx became bad and Lewis is dead (according to him), he failed again... As a result, he slowly turns to Ironwood, making decisions for everyone without giving them the choice "for their own good". But unlike Ironwood, who became like this after "losing" to Salem, Jaune owes it to his guilt, which gives him a way out to get back on the right track. For Ruby, it's even more visible in this episode, but she's exhausted. Not physically, but mentally, everyone rested on her and she couldn't rest, partly because she internalized everything. She kept fighting, making plans, directing everything and the result is that Penny is dead for good, Atlas is destroyed and Salem and Cinder have two relics... As hard as he is, it's a good thing it all came out, now that her family knows, they'll be able to talk to her about it. Especially since each of them knows part of this burden. Yang was to be a big sister and mother to Ruby after Summer died because Tai was destroyed. Blake fought for the Faunus by hiding most of his life. Weiss was the Schnee heiress on whom the weight of the company rested and was a performer, she knows what pressure is. And while I'd like everyone to be able to talk to her, I hope it's mostly Weiss, partly because I love Whiterose, but also because she's his partner and we haven't seen them very close since the beginning of the volume 7. Partly because Ruby was on top of everything and Weiss was rebuilding her family on her own. So it's a good opportunity for them to get closer again. Another solution that I really like would be for Jaune to talk to Ruby, give her some sort of pep talk like Ruby did for him in Volume 1, to complete the circle. After that, Ruby and Weiss could bloom together again like Jaune and Pyrrha had. To end on a slightly lighter note, Blake and Yang were both really in sync, talking about their feelings helped them, it's up to Ruby and Weiss to do the same.


my favorite part with how this episode is written and blocked out is that it puts two different types of breakdowns against each other. jaunes is loud and large, it catches everyone’s attention. meanwhile rubys is quiet. every time WBY try to address rubys it gets overshadowed by jaunes. even when ruby finally snaps, jaune jumps in and after he turns to face away from ruby and towards WBY, his form is completely covering ruby up. WBY doesn’t see her and neither do we. of course ruby is going to run at this point. she bottled things up for so long that no one really saw what was coming and now that it’s here it keeps getting pushed aside or overshadowed. it’s just written and blocked out so well and i can’t wait to see what happens next!

Christopher Pope

I'm usually the encourager and the uplifter, but a few years ago I had a blow-up like Ruby's, when I was in an emotionally similar spot. And it's weird how, like Jaune, you reach a point where you know what you're saying isn't true or kind or fair, but it's how you feel and "how else am I supposed to be?" I think this was very realistically done, and a reminder that none of us is indestructible. Fortunately, we got a close-up of Little early on and at the end to let us know that the mouse is still with her, wherever Ruby's going, and noticed something was up.

Kayleigh McRae

So yeah we have a new Ruby PoV song...: (Here are the lyrics Melissa) A beat A step Is all you need To walk away A beat A step Is all you need To fight the urge and stay You don't need me anymore No, you don't see me anymore I try my best to leave the floor But I can't get past the door You don't need me anymore No, you don't see me anymore I'm alone in this war I am a trap door

Kayleigh McRae

Ruby and Jaune are both suffering from PTSD. The problem is, Ruby much like myself is bottling it all up. Not reaching out for help. And the one moment she does, no one can understand where the "happy Ruby" went. Never knowing that she was slowly disappearing since volume 3. That's right! Since 3! But the trauma from the latest events. Losing Penny, having her plan fail. In every plan she has made something goes wrong. So Ruby blames herself for not being a better leader. I can't wait for next episode. I hope they don't cut away from Ruby. I need to see where she goes from here.

Nathan Poulain Cigrand

Yeah that one hurt! Very interesting, but also very sad to see those broken characters finally snapped (did Ruby just casually throw mud to the bumblebee shippers?) If my memory is correct, we have one more "intense" episode (we have to stay strong, Hime :/ ) before the sky is clear, or at least it should be. Anyway loved your reaction, and we'll watch the next one together, see you soon ;)


I feel Ruby is valid here, where is Rubys support, shes only 17 and she has had all this weight on her shoulders, having to put her personal feelings aside for everyone else, everything that happened in Atlas and now, has only happened all within a few days, she hasnt had the time or support to manage those feelings to talk to someone, shes still a kid an she just needs someone to pick her up and talk through stuff, an seeing everyone around her happy and sorting their feelings out can be stressful when your struggling tp wprl your own out, not saying Jaune has had it rough but the girls instantly supported Jaune in that moment but Ruby again was left behind, Weiss and Yang have reached out to her but she was either interupted or something else more pressing came up, or she just wasnt ready to talk. Again having to put her self second an her team first, an the song kinda depicts that ruby feels they dont see her or need her, they are looking for a leader to not screw everything up as she mentioned, she must feel so low an defeated, she hasnt even had the time to mourn Penny, its just, lets follow the book, lets do this, :(. We all know deep downRuby as a character she is venting an taking her anger out on the people near her, theres no right or wrong here but things got heated, and Ruby felt like no one had the time to hear her out or her feelings just wasnt taking serious enough. WBY an Jaune dont mean to brush aside her problems they just dont see her, WBY care so much but other pressing things just took over the most important thing which is Ruby and her support i know they didnt do it purposely they all care a great deal, but with so much going on over the past couple of days since salem arrived to now its took such a toll. but seeing Ruby like that it hurt me you can see just how much shes hurting :( xx Great Reaction as always, she flew off with her weapon so god knows whats gonna happen to her xxxx

Tyler Stobbe

Well, not much really happened this chapter… yeah right… 😂 But you forgot the first rule of RWBY and that’s whenever CRWBY decides to GIVE you something… they’re about to do something else. Also, I really wish you hadn’t used the phrase “I got high off that episode” after what happened with the Herbalist… 🤣 Volume 5: Oscar (about Ruby): “This must be really hard on her too.” Ozpin: “It most assuredly is.” BUT I am getting ahead of myself. We’re definitely getting back to it, but let’s analyze some of the other stuff first. A reference you seem to have missed is Jaune is channeling the White Rabbit when he wakes up screaming “I’m late!” - keep in mind he wears a rabbit hoodie if Pumpkin Pete under his armor. It appears Ruby hasn’t really slept all night, she’s just been staring at Crescent Rose and thinking. This probably didn’t help given what happens later. I do feel like I need to point out that everything that’s being dropped on her has happened VERY quickly. Keep in mind the events since the end of Volume 7 have taken place over a span of 56 hours in Atlas and less than 24 here. It’s been that long since she’s learned about her mother’s defeat by Salem, the silver eyed warriors being turned into Grimm, and… well everything else that went on. Jaune meanwhile is protecting the town of Paper Pleasers whose purpose is to make things beautiful and serve others - and Jaune has been here so long that he’s named them after his teammates and friends. Couple of ironic twists: Fight off the scarecrows, Ruby will help (Is this a reference to Qrow?) Stop Nora from climbing the tower during the storm, it ends poorly… (This sounds like something actual Nora would do) Help Pyrrha with her homework. (Pyrrha was always training Jaune and helping him at Beacon.) The irony is, that the Paper Pleasers actually want to ascend… but Jaune doesn’t want them to. After what happened with Penny, and subsequently what’s happened with Alyx and Lewis… he’s put all his time and effort into protecting these folk. I know I’m using irony a lot, but Jaune is trying to save the lives of people who actually want to move on. Penny ASKED Jaune to kill her, she knew it was the only way to stop Cinder. Everyone’s focus has been on what will Ruby do when she finds this out… but Jaune’s living with it. He always wanted to be the hero, but once again, life isn’t like a fairy tale. Speaking of that I need to remind everyone that Ruby blacked out when Weiss started to talk about Penny and when she woke up the conversation was basically done. We still don’t know what all Team RWBY knows about the circumstances on the bridge. Weiss is the only one with the full story. It’s got to be a little painful when Jaune hears Weiss in particular mention he’s not all there, because she’s not wrong, and yet, what’s he supposed to do about it? Ruby is suspiciously silent during all this - and nobody notices except Little who looked up at her long enough to sense… something? Put a pin in that because the Jabberwalker Clones attack again, and while Blake/Yang and Weiss/Jaune are doing very well at working together Ruby is just standing in the background. One clone finally attacks her but she doesn’t fight back - and she starts to see flashes of her failure with Cinder and how she had to fight to restrain a virus controlled Penny. Everything’s hitting her at once. Then the clone turns into a copy of Neo and finger guns her: “you’re my target.” Jaune is irritated, and picks up her weapon, about to drop it into her hands, and she jumps back in fear from it… and this is the first time the rest of her crew get any clue that something is not okay. No time for that, though, because as they were told earlier, the Paper Pleasers toppled the tower, destroyed the dam, and finally got their wish. Once again, Jaune’s failed to protect someone that matters to him. It’s adding up: Pyrrha, Penny, the Paper Pleasers… hang on… I just noticed these all began with the letter P after I typed this… but he’s in a far different state of coping than Ruby is. Jaune’s obviously distraught about this turn of events and the team asks Ruby to support him, and that’s what makes her finally snap. First off, this might be my favorite scene in the Volume because Lindsay and Miles are acting the heck out of it. On the surface it’s probably the two most positive and mild mannered characters in the show going at each other, which makes it a much more raw and visceral scene than if, say, Yang and Weiss were snarking at each other over something. On a more analytical level there’s a TON to break down. The only way to truly understand why Ruby is feeling is to connect everything she says to events that have previously happened. I will also note that there’s some clever writing here because NOTHING SHE SAYS IS WRONG. This is far more about how she’s saying it. This WILL get long-winded, I’m warning you ahead of time. Pay particular attention to the lines of dialogue that I capitalized and think about how Ruby took them, as opposed to how you heard them the first time. “Why are you asking me?” [Chapter 2: Weiss: “Alyx went to the tree, right? (Without waiting for an answer) Let’s go.”] Since the beginning of the volume, most of the decisions have been made with discussions mostly between everyone else besides Ruby. “Because I’m the leader? Because I’m just supposed to have something to say?” [Chapter 4: “Your sister needs you. Your friends need you. The whole world needs you to keep fighting forever and ever, against an invincible monster that took your mother!”] Ruby has felt this whole time that she needs to be the leader, she needs to be the shoulder to cry on, and so she’s suppressed her own feelings for the good of the team. Meanwhile the weight of her mother’s fate is seriously weighing on her on top of everything else. “Cause I don’t.” [Chapter 2: Weiss: “About Penny… I know that was a lot to hear…” Ruby, not ready to talk yet, walks away as thunder rolls] “I mean, why do I have to be the leader anyway? Why do why do I always have to be the one to pick people up?” [Volume 1: Ozpin: “Being a leader isn’t just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you’re not always performing at your ABSOLUTE BEST, what reason do you give others to follow you?”] Ruby’s been carrying this line with her since the series basically started. “What about me!? (Specifically, how she’s feeling.) No time, right!?” [Chapter 4: Curious Cat: “How do you even plan to defeat (Salem) now that Atlas is gone?” Ruby: “I…” Yang: “Hey, Rubes?” Blake (cutting off the conversation): “Maybe we shouldn’t worry about home right now, we’ve got ENOUGH PROBLEMS to worry about.”] The team has been very oblivious to the subtle changes going on with Ruby because they’ve been with her since the beginning. But they’re only seeing the surface. When they see Jaune is not okay they drop everything. Yet they’ve failed to pick up the cues from Ruby time and time again because they are not superficial and obvious. In this particular case, Yang noticed Ruby was struggling and was about to poke - but Blake deflected the subject - so it was buried. Along with her feelings. After all, other things they needed to focus on were “more important.” “Gotta get home!” [Chapter 5: “You’re doing this all alone?” “You seem to be carrying a heavy burden with you.”] [Chapter 7: “We need to figure out a way to get home to everyone.”] Up until now, the driving narrative has clearly been to get back to Remnant, and everyone’s been dealing with their own personal issues in the meantime. Ruby’s teammates have just assumed she’s in the same mental state as the rest of them, when in reality she’s suppressed so much she’s squeezing herself. “Gotta help Jaune!” [Chapter 7: Weiss: “Jaune CLEARLY NEEDS our help. He’s OBVIOUSLY NOT ALL THERE.”] Imagine hearing that from one of your closest friends, Jaune did, but the way Weiss recoiled when she realized he heard her say it - Ruby can’t help but wonder “what are they thinking about me when I’m not in the room?” No one asked Ruby to take it all on herself - but yet she has felt it’s her responsibility to. So now she’s wondering - do they think I’m a failure as a leader too? “Gotta find SOMEONE who isn’t just going to screw everything up!” [Chapter 5: Weiss: “I am so tired of leaving places in ashes.”] [Chapter 7: Weiss: “We need to find someone we can trust to help us get out of here, before we’re killed by a Jabberwalker, eaten by a tree, or worse.” Jaune: “It was YOUR plan that failed.” Jaune: “They came here because of you! IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU! The clones attacked here because Neo hates you!”] Ruby blames herself for the events that ended Volume 8, which is completely unfair to her - no matter what she did, Cinder would’ve been told her plan. NO ONE could’ve predicted that. Weiss’ comment about the aftermath was not directed at Ruby - but it still cuts, regardless of the intent. Because she feels Atlas is ultimately her fault and hers alone. Jaune is being a little unfair here as he also agreed to the plan, but he’s shouting things at Ruby that she probably already has beaten herself up over and over about. “Got to stay positive! Right? Smiles all around!” [Chapter 4: “You can do whatever you want. Be whoever you want. You don’t even have to be Ruby Rose!”] “Maybe even finally get our feelings sorted out! Good for you, by the way, we’re all SO happy for you!” [Chapter 6: Jaune: “Welcome to a Ponderstorm. A physical manifestation of a mental or emotional problem - The only way to survive it is to either solve the problem, or wait for the storm to pass.” Ruby, while looking directly at the problem: “WHERE are Yang and Blake?” Jaune: “They must’ve had SOMETHING BIGGER to figure out.” ] While Ruby is going through hell suppressing her own emotions, and trying to figure out an answer to how they can get out of here at the cost of her own feelings, she finds out it was more important to Blake and Yang to sort out their feelings for each other ABOVE ANYTHING ELSE., including getting home which is what she was told was the top priority. Given Ruby’s current mental state, this does absolutely nothing to make her feel any better knowing that she’s been pushed further down in the pecking order of what the team is prioritizing. It doesn’t help that her sister goes into defense mode against her now when she’s having a mental breakdown. “I’m sorry, is this a bad time? Are we supposed to be mourning Jaune’s MAKE BELIEVE friends?” [Chapter 2: Ruby (holding Penny’s sword and trying for the first time to really talk about her): “I couldn’t explain why, but for some reason… I was drawn to it…” Weiss (oblivious to the true cause of the storm): “Great, now it’s raining on just us. That’s it, we’re getting out of this nightmare!”] This is probably the harshest thing she says in her speech, and it’s unintentionally cruel, but it’s also probably THE most important link in the speech: Ruby has not had even a little time to even process her friend’s death, when she tried to open up, she was brushed aside as an afterthought, yet her teammates drop everything when Jaune is having a crisis in this episode. This is where her suppression started, and it does not rain again in the volume up to this point. Ruby’s been keeping it all bottled up. Then at this point Jaune, the one person in the series who has had her back since they met, even following her in Volume 4 on a crazy quest to walk to Mistral, snaps at her - and that was the last straw. Ruby doesn’t need to say anything else, the hurt on her face is palpable. Blake: “Guys, I know things are bad BUT…” Ruby: “SHUT… UP. Don’t… do “THAT.” Just don’t.” [Blake in Chapter 4: “Maybe we shouldn’t think about home right now, we have enough problems.” Blake in Chapter 7: “We can be frustrated later. JAUNE NEEDS US. AND WE NEED HIM. WE JUST CAN’T COUNT ON HIM.” Yes, Blake. Shut up. At this point she’s more than justified to tell you to put a sock in it: Ruby’s feelings have been trampled over enough. It wouldn’t have mattered what you said; it would just be discounting the importance of how Ruby is dealing, or rather not dealing with… everything. Again. Ruby’s been told time and time again throughout this volume that other things are being prioritized over her own feelings. She hasn’t been able to mourn Penny because the others are just go-go-go - but when Jaune loses his town, everyone else immediately shows empathy for him. Whenever Ruby tries to say something or starts to work through her problem, someone always says they can deal with that later, someone ELSE or something else is always more important. So when Blake is told to shut it, it’s because that Ruby is tired of hearing about how they’re going to fix her mistakes, how her feelings aren’t as important to prioritize, and how she’s constantly failing (in her own mind) as a leader. She’s been deflected to the point she feels that none of her friends care enough about what she’s dealing with to give a damn. This, of course, isn’t true in principle. But SHE thinks it is. Ironically, I think I should point out that in your outro you did a lot of the same thing. So it’s only natural that Weiss, Blake and Yang would be focused on Jaune, what’s bothering him, and not thinking nearly as much about the small things they’ve done that have added up. This is partially on Ruby for not asking for help, but you can’t force someone to open up. She’s never been told it’s okay to ask for help, so her teammates aren’t mind readers. But… None of them knew how bad it was. None of them intentionally belittled her. But the negligence and assumption by all of them regarding Ruby was all too real. And this… is the result. Ruby has run off by herself, Jaune’s a mess still, and the others are shocked. This one is going to take some time for all of them to process. But I don’t think Ruby will be alone too long because the Paper Pleasers were right next to the Jabberwalker’s lair on the map so Neo is probably going to cause her even more trouble quickly. That’s it for the breakdown. All I can think of now is the line from Volume 1, when Ruby leapt into Yang’s arms after Weiss scared her: “Oh my god, you really exploded.” CRWBY wasn’t kidding when they said, we might stress you out a little this week. 😅 The moral of this story is always be suspicious when something positive happens on this show. As someone else put it, “I have ten fears (episodes) this volume and the eleventh is RWBY.”


I was not looking forward to this talk for so long. It hurt going into rwby this time. It sucks seeing the two most happiest characters the series began with become so distraught like that 😭


It was painful!! Ruby was not feeling the Bmblby moment for sure! She's in so much pain!! I really hope she can start healing!!! Thanks for watching along with me!!!!


Oof, that's so hard! That's such a good point too, that this is a build-up effect - this isn't something that just now happened. I hope they focus on Ruby too! I'm looking forward to seeing her begin to heal!


I'm so sorry to hear that! And I agree, I think this is very realistically done. Sometimes you really just need to get it out there. Yeah Little is definitely noticing Ruby's pain the most!!!! Curious to see where that's going!


YES!!! That's the perfect way to crystallize it. It was written so well and it really highlights the different types of grief and trauma and how they play out. I can't wait either!

Kayleigh McRae

I do feel bad for Blake though. Because she is trying to be like Ruby to feel strong in this situation. If you notice her "staying positive" attitude is just like how Ruby as the "spark of hope" acts to inspire everyone to keep going. Which is ironic that Blake thought Ruby just needed someone like her to lift her up and push on instead of someone to listen. Because I feel Blake would have listened in the past. But in volume 8 she confided in Ruby that as a girl they were alot alike. "But time and alot of other things took their toll on me." Blake wanted to make sure nothing took a toll on Ruby so she was trying to negate it. Be positive. But it backfired. And now her leader she looked up to the one who only a few nights ago she inspired by saying, "I look up to you." It hurts. And she must feel awful. (All the girls do but I noticed this since the volume started that Blake was trying to imitate Ruby to help Ruby not stress out. But it wasn't enough.)


Because of how they framed it I’m pretty positive Ruby was having PTSD, which combined with a panic attack giving her adrenaline is what triggered her outburst according to @/RileyBranwen on Twitter. They’ve made some great tweets about Ruby’s psychology this episode. Huge round of applause to Lindsay and Miles for that scene. That was definitely Lindsay’s best performance so far, and every time I think the same about Miles he manages to outdo himself. They were amazing! And we’re not done with Ruby yet, so interested to see how much further this goes for her.


I put something similair but you really explained the best way :) xxx


I was thinking the same about the overshadowment xxx


And deep down we know she would be buzzing like the bees with happiness, because we know Ruby doesnt have a bad bone in her body and shes a supporter of many things xx

John J Ronald (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 07:53:36 "On that Bridge, I was the only one that could do it! The only one! And now I have to live with that forever" --Jaune He's talking about having to honor Penny's wish to have him kill her so that Penny could transfer the Maiden Powers to Winter in her final thoughts. But only Weiss knows what he's talking about, really. Ruby doesn't, but might have an inkling. This is the 2nd time where our heroes have blamed themselves or each other for the plan going sideways instead of affixing blame where it really lies, on Cinder & Neo.
2023-04-06 01:11:19 "On that Bridge, I was the only one that could do it! The only one! And now I have to live with that forever" --Jaune He's talking about having to honor Penny's wish to have him kill her so that Penny could transfer the Maiden Powers to Winter in her final thoughts. But only Weiss knows what he's talking about, really. Ruby doesn't, but might have an inkling. This is the 2nd time where our heroes have blamed themselves or each other for the plan going sideways instead of affixing blame where it really lies, on Cinder & Neo.

"On that Bridge, I was the only one that could do it! The only one! And now I have to live with that forever" --Jaune He's talking about having to honor Penny's wish to have him kill her so that Penny could transfer the Maiden Powers to Winter in her final thoughts. But only Weiss knows what he's talking about, really. Ruby doesn't, but might have an inkling. This is the 2nd time where our heroes have blamed themselves or each other for the plan going sideways instead of affixing blame where it really lies, on Cinder & Neo.

John J Ronald (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 07:53:36 The dark truth is, Ruby is essentially a child soldier who has experienced too much trauma and just....CAN'T right now....she doesn't even want to look at or touch Crescent Rose; involuntarily jumps away from it when Jaune tries to hand it back to her...but she does grab it before using her semblance to peace out for now, so at least she's not defenseless out there on her own. When I first saw this I thought Ruby managed to get a single shot off, but I think it was just Weiss throwing Jaune's sword back to him and hitting a Jabberwalker. All Ruby managed to do was load a single bullet into Crescent Rose but then she just froze up. She's broken...needs time to step down from the leadership role and just heal. I don't think she was intentionally casting shade on Blake & Yang declaring love for each other.....just that she was hurting so much and exhausted and if you're in that head-space seeing others being blissfully happy while you're miserable can make you irrationally angry because of the cognitive dissonance.
2023-04-06 01:18:36 The dark truth is, Ruby is essentially a child soldier who has experienced too much trauma and just....CAN'T right now....she doesn't even want to look at or touch Crescent Rose; involuntarily jumps away from it when Jaune tries to hand it back to her...but she does grab it before using her semblance to peace out for now, so at least she's not defenseless out there on her own. When I first saw this I thought Ruby managed to get a single shot off, but I think it was just Weiss throwing Jaune's sword back to him and hitting a Jabberwalker. All Ruby managed to do was load a single bullet into Crescent Rose but then she just froze up. She's broken...needs time to step down from the leadership role and just heal. I don't think she was intentionally casting shade on Blake & Yang declaring love for each other.....just that she was hurting so much and exhausted and if you're in that head-space seeing others being blissfully happy while you're miserable can make you irrationally angry because of the cognitive dissonance.

The dark truth is, Ruby is essentially a child soldier who has experienced too much trauma and just....CAN'T right now....she doesn't even want to look at or touch Crescent Rose; involuntarily jumps away from it when Jaune tries to hand it back to her...but she does grab it before using her semblance to peace out for now, so at least she's not defenseless out there on her own. When I first saw this I thought Ruby managed to get a single shot off, but I think it was just Weiss throwing Jaune's sword back to him and hitting a Jabberwalker. All Ruby managed to do was load a single bullet into Crescent Rose but then she just froze up. She's broken...needs time to step down from the leadership role and just heal. I don't think she was intentionally casting shade on Blake & Yang declaring love for each other.....just that she was hurting so much and exhausted and if you're in that head-space seeing others being blissfully happy while you're miserable can make you irrationally angry because of the cognitive dissonance.

John J Ronald

RIP, #Lancaster. The Jaune/Ruby confrontation is like the mirror opposite of their scene together in RWBY4 before the Nuck attacks. "You didn't drag us out here....you gave us the courage to follow you." I don't think Jaune x Ruby will ever be canon, but normally Jaune makes Ruby feel....comfortable. And he knows how to make her laugh. I've always appreciated the little moments of #Lancaster tenderness between these two. And Ruby still doesn't know that Penny asked Jaune to end her life, has yet to process that ugly, painful truth.

John J Ronald (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-06 06:59:32 Just now thinking about the parallels between Ruby and old man Ozpin himself. Both of them took on too much, eventually, and both of them became increasingly isolated and feeling like they alone could fix the mess of the world only to feel overwhelmed by it all. Ruby has now hit the same wall that Ozpin did early on in RWBY6.... Ruby: >>Professor Ozpin, What IS your plan to defeat Salem?<< Ozpin: >>I.....don't have one.<<
2023-04-06 01:29:24 Just now thinking about the parallels between Ruby and old man Ozpin himself. Both of them took on too much, eventually, and both of them became increasingly isolated and feeling like they alone could fix the mess of the world only to feel overwhelmed by it all. Ruby has now hit the same wall that Ozpin did early on in RWBY6.... Ruby: >>Professor Ozpin, What IS your plan to defeat Salem?<< Ozpin: >>I.....don't have one.<<

Just now thinking about the parallels between Ruby and old man Ozpin himself. Both of them took on too much, eventually, and both of them became increasingly isolated and feeling like they alone could fix the mess of the world only to feel overwhelmed by it all. Ruby has now hit the same wall that Ozpin did early on in RWBY6.... Ruby: >>Professor Ozpin, What IS your plan to defeat Salem?<< Ozpin: >>I.....don't have one.<<


Right, that makes sense! They were phenomenal in this one weren't they! They continue to amaze me! I really wanna see where this is going too, I really hope she can heal!


Oof! Yeah, Weiss would be the only one who would know what was going on there. EXACTLY! Like how exactly are we supposed to anticipate the other side's every move in what's essentially a losing battle to begin with?! I know they feel responsible but I just wanna shake them and say it's not your fault!!!


Exactly....so sad. I'm glad she's not defenseless but still worried about her being alone. Yeah she absolutely just needs time. No, I don't think so either! She loves her friends and wants them to be happy, but she's broken right now.


Yes! It is like the opposite, good call. It's sad that these two usually give each other so much comfort as friends and this is where we're at right now. Ugh, I hate that we still have that to discuss too!!! So sad!!!

Jessica Smith

Ehh to be fair, we know none of the team meant to push Ruby and her feelings aside. Blake is trying to stay positive just like she has been since she came back in volume 5. It was part of her character growth. So when she says 'maybe we shouldn't worry about home right now, we have enough to deal with' we know it isn't 'we don't have time for YOU'. She is just trying to stay positive and keep focused on a goal. She's good at goals. She's good at throwing herself into a problem wholly and completely, so of course that is her wording. Remember volume 2 when she couldn't even sleep she was so focused on the White Fang and Roman? Yang has been trying to reach out to Ruby most of the volume, and Weiss tried a couple times too. Ruby did not want to talk about it. Ruby also chose to not say anything she was feeling, to lie about instances because she didn't want to burden anyone, and she's been running on fumes. Of course she finally snapped. But it's not like the team didn't know she was hurting or didn't know anything was wrong, they all knew Ruby was taking a beating and has been since at least the end of volume 7 (obviously further back too but the main issue of doubt and loss of hope and trust started in 7). It just seems like everyone is trying to blame the rest of the team for Ruby snapping. While Ruby is valid in her feelings, she also NEVER SAID ANYTHING and would brush people off most of the time when asked if she was okay, or how she was handling something. Yes, Blake cut Yang off once when Yang was trying to prod her, but it wasn't out of malice or anything, Blake clearly knew Ruby was upset. But it also looked like Ruby was struggling to supress things and was losing, and they were not at a safe place to stop and talk it out then. So staying positive and throwing herself into a problem, Blake said they probably shouldn't think of the issues waiting for them at home until they could at least get back home. Worrying about it here on top of everything would not be helpful. One problem at a time. But if Ruby had even expressed herself a little, Blake would have immediately been there for her and would have been eager to help her. But Ruby never said anything. It's on the team for not stopping Ruby from suppressing things and for not forcing her to talk to them and deal with things, but it's just as much on Ruby for not saying anything. Her team are not mind readers. They can see she's hurting, but they're all hurting. And they can deal with that when they get home. As for Ruby lashing out at Blake and Yang's relationship, that was rather uncalled for to be honest. Sure, in the Punderstorm Yang and Blake were somewhere else dealing with their relationship problem, but what problem were Ruby, Weiss, and Jaune even dealing with?? The cat put them there, they spoke to the cat, the cat sent them back. There was no actual problem for them to unravel there. It was literally just 'stuck here, talk to the cat'. So when the cat threw them in there and Yang and Blake had actually baggage to work out with each other and were both suffering with their emotional issues, they had to actually work through it. It still didn't get them out, as it was the cat who got them out. But what mental or emotional problem were the others working through? It could have just been who to trust, but then why not show that in the crossroads around them? Yang and Blake were sent to their own area to deal with their issues, while the others were in the standard crossroads Jaune seemed annoyingly familiar with. So Ruby lashing out because "oh, Blake and Yang thought this was more important than getting home", that just isn't true. The others didn't even HAVE an issue they were working through, it was the same conversation they could and would have had simply traveling together. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy Ruby is snapping because the pressure can only build for so long, but a lot of the things she said was uncalled for, and is clearly her just wanting to hurt someone because she's hurting. Which, hey, we all do occasionally. But she took it way too far. Jaune did too, but then immediately apologised and acknowledged the fact he wasn't okay. Ruby essentially snapped out of nowhere because she never told anyone anything and then got mad because they didn't sit her down for an intervention or 'didn't notice'. Which is what happens with depression, I know. But if we are saying the team is in the wrong for not calling her out/being mind readers, then Ruby is just as much at fault for not saying anything. Also it just rubs me wrong how Ruby threw a hissy because 'oh woe is me, when is it going to be about me' when she literally DITCHED HER SISTER WHEN SHE WAS SUPER DEPRESSED AND NEEDING SOMEONE. The same sister who then had to hear she was reason their dad wasn't out there looking for Ruby, because he had 'things' to take care of there, even looking up at Yang's window. Ruby was there for Weiss and Blake but never for her sister. I don't think we've even seen her actually be there for Yang even once. And Yang wasn't even suppressing anything, she very clearly let Ruby know her mental state and needed help. So yes, Ruby is valid in her feelings, of course, but she's also a big hypocrite in my opinion. Which is fine, it's a character flaw, characters aren't meant to be perfect and she's obviously going through a lot right now. But I'm not sure she will ever be able to take back what she said and how she acted here. The things we say in anger are often the most true, after all.


Oh wow!!! Thank you for the heads up!!! I'll have someone else load up the ep for me if I can!!


Tyler - Omg I know, RT giveth and RT taketh away....my joy :P LOL sorry for the choice of words with mentioning the "high"! Ah no, I didn't catch the white rabbit reference - come to think of it, I don't think I've ever read Alice in Wonderland or seen the movie, just lots of references to it! This has all truly happened incredibly fast and that's a good call about Ruby most likely getting no sleep. There's actually quite a few ironies here with Jaune like you pointed out....the names/tasks of the paper people, the correlation between Penny asking Jaune to kill her and the paper pleasers actually wanting to be let go, etc. True, Weiss up to this point was the only one who knew so much. Poor Jaune, he knows on some level it's true that he's, well, out of sorts...but how on earth is he supposed to be after all that. I noticed Little noticing something, curious! It's an interesting sentence-by-sentence analysis of everything that happened in that scene, and there is a lot of truth in everything she's saying, even if it's being presented so harshly because of her current mental state. Although Kayleigh - I do have to agree that Blake is acting out of her own character development here, sadly it just didn't fit into these circumstances. Almost like she was trying to be Ruby to Ruby while she couldn't Ruby at the moment :P Back to Tyler - I'm confused on what it was what I did in my outro, was it not focus on Ruby enough in favor of talking about Jaune? Because this was the first one where we get to see how Jaune's trauma has sort of taken shape. That's the thing, no one is really *wrong* here, because they didn't realize how much Ruby was going through, but at the same time, Ruby REALLY needed help, and she's just getting looked over in favor of everyone and everything else. Yeah they really know how to stress us out don't they!!! And now, there's this week to look forward to....I haven't seen it yet, but I'm both excited and scared!!!


I think this is a great analysis!!!! I've been saying since last ep that it's hard to point fingers at anyone in particular to place "blame" onto when it comes to Ruby going without help - because at the end of the day, they're all just doing their best with what info they have, in the face of everything that they're also dealing with. I will say though that it seems to me that Ruby doesn't really know how to process these feelings at all, and maybe isn't even sure how to ask for help, especially since everything is so raw and fresh. I know that her lashing out isn't how she really feels, and she'd never want to hurt her friends. I feel awful for her but I also hate seeing anyone getting hurt with harsh words - sadly I think the point they're making is that this is what happens when one doesn't deal with their feelings, especially when dealing with what must be a whole bunch of PTSD!!! I honestly am hurting for Ruby even more now that she's said these things, because words can cut very deeply and you can't ever take them back, and if Ruby was okay right now she'd probably feel even worse that she'd just done that. I'd actually never thought about the way that Ruby and Yang didn't have much screen time together during Yang's arc too. I know they love each other deeply though, which makes this even more sad. I just want Ruby to start really healing and finding herself, because this is what it looks like when somebody doesn't do that! It's why there are so many people out there who hurt/lash out at others. :( Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Hi Spadeas! :) Yikes, I know right! That's a good point about some of the Ironwood-esque tactics. Ruby's definitely at the end of her rope, sadly! It would be nice is Weiss addressed her personally! I think we'll see each team member helping her too, which will be nice. I think it would be great for Jaune to talk to her too!!! He really gets so much of the pain she's feeling, and they've been good friends right from the beginning! I know, I noticed Blake and Yang were really in sync here too! Whatever happens, I just want Ruby to heal!!


Exactly!!!! If she were okay right now I know she'd be thrilled to see them happy, she's just so broken at the moment!


I think so too, and honestly I can see how there's no one's really overtly wrong here. This has all happened so fast and she's so young, and honestly I don't think she knows how to process all this. I agree, it's just sad that things got so heated and so many things were said. It does hurt to see Ruby this way doesn't it!! Thank you so much!!!! I hope she's okay! I haven't seen the next ep yet, but I'm both excited and scared to see what happens next!!

Tyler Stobbe

My answer would be that a good portion of your outro tended ti focus on Jaune and his issues because he actually verbalized them in the episode; while you did give a little time to Ruby’s mindset, it didn’t seem like it was to the same extent - so the point I was trying to make here was it’s completely natural for people to miss stuff like this or to not think as much of it, especially because Ruby kept quiet about it. And her teammates are only human, so it was a good example to use to explain how they missed the severity of it up to this point.


Right, that's what I figured, I just wasn't sure! Jaune's is definitely a much more "overt" kind of trauma whereas Ruby's has been so silent and subtle, that even her teammates and family couldn't pick up on it right away!

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-16 20:03:21 I love this episode even though it makes me sad. It’s always scary when that specific warning appears. Something so amazing to pay attention to this episode are the facial expressions which have been amazing this whole volume but even more this episode. I think or at least I hope Ruby slept and just woke up way too early. Yang being someone who snores loudly is kind of adorable. And I know Yang &amp; Blake cuddled sometime during the night you can’t convince me otherwise. It’s sad to see how she is looking at her weapon. I like how the music was very calming until the chaos at the village started. I love how everything about the PP village is based on a Japanese style with the origami plants and animals, the koi pond and the architecture. When Jaune is freaking out having overslept he almost kicks Weiss in the head she actually had to dodge LOL. The I’m late thing is a small reference to the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. The fact that Ruby doesn’t grab her weapon right away is a sign of what was to come. Also it was unintentional but Weiss telling her to hurry and that people need them was not helping Ruby’s stress and mental health. The girls reactions to this place and how calm the one PP is with all the fire is hilarious. Also the PP’s are cute and precious and what these creatures are called is a play on people pleaser which I like. Jaune really does care for these creatures and is kind of acting as a parental figure. Although it is him finding coping mechanisms as well which is something he needed for his mental-health and although it wasn’t the most healthy thing because it allowed for repression and didn’t give him a chance to deal with his trauma but he needed something to help his mental health. He definitely realized that naming them after his friends was not a good sign for his mental state so tried to play it off. I like how the PP are described as working so hard to make things beautiful and peaceful. It’s really impressive to see how much he has explored this place with everything he had to do every day and I love that there are a lot of details on the map. And I love that you can read the map and the list of disasters. The funniest thing on the map is an acre that just says blob and there are interesting entries like green chapel and swan lake also it shows us that they are right next to what I assume is the Jabberwalker’s acre. I think his plan is okay but unfortunately if he hasn’t found another way out in this long the tree might be the only option. And their disappointment is understandable since he doesn’t really have other ideas &amp; has not really found anything. It shows the kind of pressure Jaune is putting on himself with what he says that I think it’s implied he believes he should have solved/fixed everything. I love the list of disasters but my favorite parts of it are the goose, the unfoldening and the sad but heartwarming Pyrrha PP part. It’s obvious that Jaune’s mental health is not good with a lot in this episode like talking to himself &amp; trying to convince himself he’s not crazy. I’m glad that they can recognize how much he has gone through even if they are frustrated with how he is acting and the plan. Also while the girls are discussing what to do Ruby is not talking and just looks annoyed and angry another sign of the incoming breakdown. I like that Little notices that there is something wrong/going on with Ruby. I really liked the explanation of ascension, what Jaune’s been doing and how the PP feel and think about things even with the dark and sad content from the purple one. I think the suicide implications are clear. It makes sense that he would want to stop them from killing themselves with the mindset of a normal person, wanting to protect others being what Huntsman are taught and what he wants to do but it’s disturbing to see him do this since he is basically disrupting the natural lifecycle of these people. This is a sensitive subject because depending on your belief system and how view things it can be hard to understand/relate to the concept of after reincarnation present in some cultures. Like he views ascension as death and is acting accordingly but it is doing wrong by these guys. They are not the most clever they just cause the same disasters every day hoping it will work and it’s crazy that Jaune has to deal with all this every day. I’m glad Yang is asking the questions a lot of us have been like wanting to know what actually happened at the tree to Lewis and making a good point that unfortunately if he doesn’t let the villages go they won’t make progress on going home. I like that the girls tried to have some tact about his mental health unfortunately he heard their doubts at the worst time. I imagine it hurt to hear this when he must have thought/hoped things would be better once he found the girls. There are some Ironwood vibes from the way Jaune is acting and how he sees the PP’s with the obsessiveness &amp; thinking he knows better than them. I’m not saying he would ever do the things or become like IW but I think the comparisons are interesting to think about this kind of mindset Jaune is in right now. He cares for the PP’s but is treating them badly. I really like that Blake is the one standing up for them when that’s what she wants to do for others especially her people. It’s so sad when Jaune says he can protect these people when he has often felt like he hasn’t been able to do that especially with the desperation in the voice acting. And of course an attack happens at this bad time. Jaune grabbing onto Juniper as they run past is so cool. Ruby hesitating at the prospect of fighting and judging by her expressions just going push it down is rough. This is such a great fight with the teamwork on display even somewhat surprisingly from Weiss &amp; Jaune which was nice to see. Someone said and I agree that Weiss was probably glad to have a partner to fight with since Ruby hasn’t been able to. I love how in sync Yang and Blake were in this fight. As someone I watch said it’s like a celebration of their new relationship. They are couple goals for sure &lt;3. I love the choreography especially how Yang gets out of being grabbed by 1 of the Jabberwalkers &amp; Weiss throwing Jaune’s sword back to him after it was knocked away and using gravity dust to send It through another Jabberwalker. Fun thing when Blake usually is the one to throw Yang this time it was the opposite. Also Jaune does take a second to look at Ruby just frozen and it seems like he misinterpreted why. This depiction of PTSD and panic attacks from what I know and have heard is really well done &amp; accurate/realistic especially with the great presentation of how scary those things are with the imagery, music &amp; sound effects. Also there is something great in the animation I still have a hard time seeing is that Ruby’s eyes are so wide you can actually see the veins of her eyes as well as small bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. The visions she sees because of the PTSD represent different parts of her trauma like Cinder being the direct source of her PTSD because of everything she has done, Penny being her fear of failure and her loss &amp; Salem being her fear in general, the pressure on her shoulders and having a connection to the loss of her mother and the burdens associated with that. I feel terrible but I can’t help finding the image of Cinder’s head on the body of the Jabberwalker unintentionally really funny. When the other girls go to save her that was a sister punch from Yang for sure. I’m glad they went to check on her right away. The Jaune stuff with losing these villagers and thinking he failed them is so sad especially with everything he has gone through. It was a good thing to comfort him but it just added to what Ruby was feeling. It’s most telling of her mental &amp; emotional state when she’s scared of her own weapon because she doesn’t want to fight and because of the pressures it represents especially because they all know how much it means/meant to her. I love Ruby’s breakdown here because even though it was done in an unhealthy/toxic way it needed to be said so Ruby could let it out and so the other girls could know how bad her mental health is. It really hurts to see her lashing out at everyone when a lot of it is stuff that is hard to take back. I think what she is saying is in response to things that happened/things that the girls have said this volume which was a part of her growing pressures &amp; feelings of failure. A great but upsetting detail is the way Weiss and Blake shrink into themselves because of their past abuse even though they know Ruby isn’t like that her raised voice would be a reminder &amp; I like that Yang got in front of Blake because she knows this and was trying to get the situation under control. The worst thing she said was about the make believe friends &amp; it makes sense that Jaune would blow up. I think it’s interesting that after so many years he is able to figure out Neo’s hatred when Ruby hasn’t. Also any plan they came up would not have worked perfectly because of Cinder having &amp; using the lamp relic to know about the plan but obviously neither of them are thinking logically. There is a difference because he realizes how not okay he is but I don’t think Ruby really does. Isolation is the fastest way to succumb to insanity so of course Jaune would end up like this. Seeing the 2 of them at each other’s throats is even sadder/worse here if you remember 1 of the few times Ruby shows vulnerability &amp; what she is going through was in volume 4 when she thought she had forced the others to come with her after volume 3 and he reassures her by saying she gave them courage to fight. Also a lot of what he is saying she has most likely said to herself. I have to praise the voice actors so much with Miles doing a great job of showing Jaune’s anguish/rage and Lindsay showing an anger and mean nature never seen in Ruby as well as her grief. Her shut up to Blake was rough. And it must hurt/make Blake feel so guilty since this volume she has been trying to emulate Ruby and thought it would help her mental health especially because Blake looks up to her. And it’s like all of her words are being thrown her face and it just feels like it is minimizing her own trauma and feelings. Even in the concept art Ruby looks upset/angry. I need to make this clear no one is in the right or wrong here this is an episode about flawed characters and it shows. Ruby and everyone else are valid in their feelings they were just in a bad place or ignorance and no one was able to act rationally because tensions were high. The girls did reach out to her and maybe they could have done more but you really can’t force someone to open up. They could not know it was this bad since Ruby would not open up even though it’s not her fault because the mask part of herself was so perfect it was impossible to see something was wrong. I was impressed by the aspect of the different kinds of breakdowns Ruby &amp; Jaune are having. His being very loud/obvious and hers being extremely subtle &amp; hard to notice. It sucks that every time the other girls tried to check on her or noticed something was wrong there was either an interruption or Ruby brushed them off. Like once again they could have done more but at the end of the day they are not therapists. After everything that happened this episode I think it works well to have it end quietly with just the sounds of the water. Also the imagery of the destroyed village is similar to the end of Atlas. Your discussion was emotionally poignant which I enjoyed. Awesome reaction &amp; thoughts and keep up the great work. :-) &lt;3
2023-04-16 14:46:38 I love this episode even though it makes me sad. It’s always scary when that specific warning appears. Something so amazing to pay attention to this episode are the facial expressions which have been amazing this whole volume but even more this episode. I think or at least I hope Ruby slept and just woke up way too early. Yang being someone who snores loudly is kind of adorable. And I know Yang & Blake cuddled sometime during the night you can’t convince me otherwise. It’s sad to see how she is looking at her weapon. I like how the music was very calming until the chaos at the village started. I love how everything about the PP village is based on a Japanese style with the origami plants and animals, the koi pond and the architecture. When Jaune is freaking out having overslept he almost kicks Weiss in the head she actually had to dodge LOL. The I’m late thing is a small reference to the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. The fact that Ruby doesn’t grab her weapon right away is a sign of what was to come. Also it was unintentional but Weiss telling her to hurry and that people need them was not helping Ruby’s stress and mental health. The girls reactions to this place and how calm the one PP is with all the fire is hilarious. Also the PP’s are cute and precious and what these creatures are called is a play on people pleaser which I like. Jaune really does care for these creatures and is kind of acting as a parental figure. Although it is him finding coping mechanisms as well which is something he needed for his mental-health and although it wasn’t the most healthy thing because it allowed for repression and didn’t give him a chance to deal with his trauma but he needed something to help his mental health. He definitely realized that naming them after his friends was not a good sign for his mental state so tried to play it off. I like how the PP are described as working so hard to make things beautiful and peaceful. It’s really impressive to see how much he has explored this place with everything he had to do every day and I love that there are a lot of details on the map. And I love that you can read the map and the list of disasters. The funniest thing on the map is an acre that just says blob and there are interesting entries like green chapel and swan lake also it shows us that they are right next to what I assume is the Jabberwalker’s acre. I think his plan is okay but unfortunately if he hasn’t found another way out in this long the tree might be the only option. And their disappointment is understandable since he doesn’t really have other ideas & has not really found anything. It shows the kind of pressure Jaune is putting on himself with what he says that I think it’s implied he believes he should have solved/fixed everything. I love the list of disasters but my favorite parts of it are the goose, the unfoldening and the sad but heartwarming Pyrrha PP part. It’s obvious that Jaune’s mental health is not good with a lot in this episode like talking to himself & trying to convince himself he’s not crazy. I’m glad that they can recognize how much he has gone through even if they are frustrated with how he is acting and the plan. Also while the girls are discussing what to do Ruby is not talking and just looks annoyed and angry another sign of the incoming breakdown. I like that Little notices that there is something wrong/going on with Ruby. I really liked the explanation of ascension, what Jaune’s been doing and how the PP feel and think about things even with the dark and sad content from the purple one. I think the suicide implications are clear. It makes sense that he would want to stop them from killing themselves with the mindset of a normal person, wanting to protect others being what Huntsman are taught and what he wants to do but it’s disturbing to see him do this since he is basically disrupting the natural lifecycle of these people. This is a sensitive subject because depending on your belief system and how view things it can be hard to understand/relate to the concept of after reincarnation present in some cultures. Like he views ascension as death and is acting accordingly but it is doing wrong by these guys. They are not the most clever they just cause the same disasters every day hoping it will work and it’s crazy that Jaune has to deal with all this every day. I’m glad Yang is asking the questions a lot of us have been like wanting to know what actually happened at the tree to Lewis and making a good point that unfortunately if he doesn’t let the villages go they won’t make progress on going home. I like that the girls tried to have some tact about his mental health unfortunately he heard their doubts at the worst time. I imagine it hurt to hear this when he must have thought/hoped things would be better once he found the girls. There are some Ironwood vibes from the way Jaune is acting and how he sees the PP’s with the obsessiveness & thinking he knows better than them. I’m not saying he would ever do the things or become like IW but I think the comparisons are interesting to think about this kind of mindset Jaune is in right now. He cares for the PP’s but is treating them badly. I really like that Blake is the one standing up for them when that’s what she wants to do for others especially her people. It’s so sad when Jaune says he can protect these people when he has often felt like he hasn’t been able to do that especially with the desperation in the voice acting. And of course an attack happens at this bad time. Jaune grabbing onto Juniper as they run past is so cool. Ruby hesitating at the prospect of fighting and judging by her expressions just going push it down is rough. This is such a great fight with the teamwork on display even somewhat surprisingly from Weiss & Jaune which was nice to see. Someone said and I agree that Weiss was probably glad to have a partner to fight with since Ruby hasn’t been able to. I love how in sync Yang and Blake were in this fight. As someone I watch said it’s like a celebration of their new relationship. They are couple goals for sure <3. I love the choreography especially how Yang gets out of being grabbed by 1 of the Jabberwalkers & Weiss throwing Jaune’s sword back to him after it was knocked away and using gravity dust to send It through another Jabberwalker. Fun thing when Blake usually is the one to throw Yang this time it was the opposite. Also Jaune does take a second to look at Ruby just frozen and it seems like he misinterpreted why. This depiction of PTSD and panic attacks from what I know and have heard is really well done & accurate/realistic especially with the great presentation of how scary those things are with the imagery, music & sound effects. Also there is something great in the animation I still have a hard time seeing is that Ruby’s eyes are so wide you can actually see the veins of her eyes as well as small bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. The visions she sees because of the PTSD represent different parts of her trauma like Cinder being the direct source of her PTSD because of everything she has done, Penny being her fear of failure and her loss & Salem being her fear in general, the pressure on her shoulders and having a connection to the loss of her mother and the burdens associated with that. I feel terrible but I can’t help finding the image of Cinder’s head on the body of the Jabberwalker unintentionally really funny. When the other girls go to save her that was a sister punch from Yang for sure. I’m glad they went to check on her right away. The Jaune stuff with losing these villagers and thinking he failed them is so sad especially with everything he has gone through. It was a good thing to comfort him but it just added to what Ruby was feeling. It’s most telling of her mental & emotional state when she’s scared of her own weapon because she doesn’t want to fight and because of the pressures it represents especially because they all know how much it means/meant to her. I love Ruby’s breakdown here because even though it was done in an unhealthy/toxic way it needed to be said so Ruby could let it out and so the other girls could know how bad her mental health is. It really hurts to see her lashing out at everyone when a lot of it is stuff that is hard to take back. I think what she is saying is in response to things that happened/things that the girls have said this volume which was a part of her growing pressures & feelings of failure. A great but upsetting detail is the way Weiss and Blake shrink into themselves because of their past abuse even though they know Ruby isn’t like that her raised voice would be a reminder & I like that Yang got in front of Blake because she knows this and was trying to get the situation under control. The worst thing she said was about the make believe friends & it makes sense that Jaune would blow up. I think it’s interesting that after so many years he is able to figure out Neo’s hatred when Ruby hasn’t. Also any plan they came up would not have worked perfectly because of Cinder having & using the lamp relic to know about the plan but obviously neither of them are thinking logically. There is a difference because he realizes how not okay he is but I don’t think Ruby really does. Isolation is the fastest way to succumb to insanity so of course Jaune would end up like this. Seeing the 2 of them at each other’s throats is even sadder/worse here if you remember 1 of the few times Ruby shows vulnerability & what she is going through was in volume 4 when she thought she had forced the others to come with her after volume 3 and he reassures her by saying she gave them courage to fight. Also a lot of what he is saying she has most likely said to herself. I have to praise the voice actors so much with Miles doing a great job of showing Jaune’s anguish/rage and Lindsay showing an anger and mean nature never seen in Ruby as well as her grief. Her shut up to Blake was rough. And it must hurt/make Blake feel so guilty since this volume she has been trying to emulate Ruby and thought it would help her mental health especially because Blake looks up to her. And it’s like all of her words are being thrown her face and it just feels like it is minimizing her own trauma and feelings. Even in the concept art Ruby looks upset/angry. I need to make this clear no one is in the right or wrong here this is an episode about flawed characters and it shows. Ruby and everyone else are valid in their feelings they were just in a bad place or ignorance and no one was able to act rationally because tensions were high. The girls did reach out to her and maybe they could have done more but you really can’t force someone to open up. They could not know it was this bad since Ruby would not open up even though it’s not her fault because the mask part of herself was so perfect it was impossible to see something was wrong. I was impressed by the aspect of the different kinds of breakdowns Ruby & Jaune are having. His being very loud/obvious and hers being extremely subtle & hard to notice. It sucks that every time the other girls tried to check on her or noticed something was wrong there was either an interruption or Ruby brushed them off. Like once again they could have done more but at the end of the day they are not therapists. After everything that happened this episode I think it works well to have it end quietly with just the sounds of the water. Also the imagery of the destroyed village is similar to the end of Atlas. Your discussion was emotionally poignant which I enjoyed. Awesome reaction & thoughts and keep up the great work. :-) <3

I love this episode even though it makes me sad. It’s always scary when that specific warning appears. Something so amazing to pay attention to this episode are the facial expressions which have been amazing this whole volume but even more this episode. I think or at least I hope Ruby slept and just woke up way too early. Yang being someone who snores loudly is kind of adorable. And I know Yang & Blake cuddled sometime during the night you can’t convince me otherwise. It’s sad to see how she is looking at her weapon. I like how the music was very calming until the chaos at the village started. I love how everything about the PP village is based on a Japanese style with the origami plants and animals, the koi pond and the architecture. When Jaune is freaking out having overslept he almost kicks Weiss in the head she actually had to dodge LOL. The I’m late thing is a small reference to the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. The fact that Ruby doesn’t grab her weapon right away is a sign of what was to come. Also it was unintentional but Weiss telling her to hurry and that people need them was not helping Ruby’s stress and mental health. The girls reactions to this place and how calm the one PP is with all the fire is hilarious. Also the PP’s are cute and precious and what these creatures are called is a play on people pleaser which I like. Jaune really does care for these creatures and is kind of acting as a parental figure. Although it is him finding coping mechanisms as well which is something he needed for his mental-health and although it wasn’t the most healthy thing because it allowed for repression and didn’t give him a chance to deal with his trauma but he needed something to help his mental health. He definitely realized that naming them after his friends was not a good sign for his mental state so tried to play it off. I like how the PP are described as working so hard to make things beautiful and peaceful. It’s really impressive to see how much he has explored this place with everything he had to do every day and I love that there are a lot of details on the map. And I love that you can read the map and the list of disasters. The funniest thing on the map is an acre that just says blob and there are interesting entries like green chapel and swan lake also it shows us that they are right next to what I assume is the Jabberwalker’s acre. I think his plan is okay but unfortunately if he hasn’t found another way out in this long the tree might be the only option. And their disappointment is understandable since he doesn’t really have other ideas & has not really found anything. It shows the kind of pressure Jaune is putting on himself with what he says that I think it’s implied he believes he should have solved/fixed everything. I love the list of disasters but my favorite parts of it are the goose, the unfoldening and the sad but heartwarming Pyrrha PP part. It’s obvious that Jaune’s mental health is not good with a lot in this episode like talking to himself & trying to convince himself he’s not crazy. I’m glad that they can recognize how much he has gone through even if they are frustrated with how he is acting and the plan. Also while the girls are discussing what to do Ruby is not talking and just looks annoyed and angry another sign of the incoming breakdown. I like that Little notices that there is something wrong/going on with Ruby. I really liked the explanation of ascension, what Jaune’s been doing and how the PP feel and think about things even with the dark and sad content from the purple one. I think the suicide implications are clear. It makes sense that he would want to stop them from killing themselves with the mindset of a normal person, wanting to protect others being what Huntsman are taught and what he wants to do but it’s disturbing to see him do this since he is basically disrupting the natural lifecycle of these people. This is a sensitive subject because depending on your belief system and how view things it can be hard to understand/relate to the concept of after reincarnation present in some cultures. Like he views ascension as death and is acting accordingly but it is doing wrong by these guys. They are not the most clever they just cause the same disasters every day hoping it will work and it’s crazy that Jaune has to deal with all this every day. I’m glad Yang is asking the questions a lot of us have been like wanting to know what actually happened at the tree to Lewis and making a good point that unfortunately if he doesn’t let the villages go they won’t make progress on going home. I like that the girls tried to have some tact about his mental health unfortunately he heard their doubts at the worst time. I imagine it hurt to hear this when he must have thought/hoped things would be better once he found the girls. There are some Ironwood vibes from the way Jaune is acting and how he sees the PP’s with the obsessiveness & thinking he knows better than them. I’m not saying he would ever do the things or become like IW but I think the comparisons are interesting to think about this kind of mindset Jaune is in right now. He cares for the PP’s but is treating them badly. I really like that Blake is the one standing up for them when that’s what she wants to do for others especially her people. It’s so sad when Jaune says he can protect these people when he has often felt like he hasn’t been able to do that especially with the desperation in the voice acting. And of course an attack happens at this bad time. Jaune grabbing onto Juniper as they run past is so cool. Ruby hesitating at the prospect of fighting and judging by her expressions just going push it down is rough. This is such a great fight with the teamwork on display even somewhat surprisingly from Weiss & Jaune which was nice to see. Someone said and I agree that Weiss was probably glad to have a partner to fight with since Ruby hasn’t been able to. I love how in sync Yang and Blake were in this fight. As someone I watch said it’s like a celebration of their new relationship. They are couple goals for sure <3. I love the choreography especially how Yang gets out of being grabbed by 1 of the Jabberwalkers & Weiss throwing Jaune’s sword back to him after it was knocked away and using gravity dust to send It through another Jabberwalker. Fun thing when Blake usually is the one to throw Yang this time it was the opposite. Also Jaune does take a second to look at Ruby just frozen and it seems like he misinterpreted why. This depiction of PTSD and panic attacks from what I know and have heard is really well done & accurate/realistic especially with the great presentation of how scary those things are with the imagery, music & sound effects. Also there is something great in the animation I still have a hard time seeing is that Ruby’s eyes are so wide you can actually see the veins of her eyes as well as small bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. The visions she sees because of the PTSD represent different parts of her trauma like Cinder being the direct source of her PTSD because of everything she has done, Penny being her fear of failure and her loss & Salem being her fear in general, the pressure on her shoulders and having a connection to the loss of her mother and the burdens associated with that. I feel terrible but I can’t help finding the image of Cinder’s head on the body of the Jabberwalker unintentionally really funny. When the other girls go to save her that was a sister punch from Yang for sure. I’m glad they went to check on her right away. The Jaune stuff with losing these villagers and thinking he failed them is so sad especially with everything he has gone through. It was a good thing to comfort him but it just added to what Ruby was feeling. It’s most telling of her mental & emotional state when she’s scared of her own weapon because she doesn’t want to fight and because of the pressures it represents especially because they all know how much it means/meant to her. I love Ruby’s breakdown here because even though it was done in an unhealthy/toxic way it needed to be said so Ruby could let it out and so the other girls could know how bad her mental health is. It really hurts to see her lashing out at everyone when a lot of it is stuff that is hard to take back. I think what she is saying is in response to things that happened/things that the girls have said this volume which was a part of her growing pressures & feelings of failure. A great but upsetting detail is the way Weiss and Blake shrink into themselves because of their past abuse even though they know Ruby isn’t like that her raised voice would be a reminder & I like that Yang got in front of Blake because she knows this and was trying to get the situation under control. The worst thing she said was about the make believe friends & it makes sense that Jaune would blow up. I think it’s interesting that after so many years he is able to figure out Neo’s hatred when Ruby hasn’t. Also any plan they came up would not have worked perfectly because of Cinder having & using the lamp relic to know about the plan but obviously neither of them are thinking logically. There is a difference because he realizes how not okay he is but I don’t think Ruby really does. Isolation is the fastest way to succumb to insanity so of course Jaune would end up like this. Seeing the 2 of them at each other’s throats is even sadder/worse here if you remember 1 of the few times Ruby shows vulnerability & what she is going through was in volume 4 when she thought she had forced the others to come with her after volume 3 and he reassures her by saying she gave them courage to fight. Also a lot of what he is saying she has most likely said to herself. I have to praise the voice actors so much with Miles doing a great job of showing Jaune’s anguish/rage and Lindsay showing an anger and mean nature never seen in Ruby as well as her grief. Her shut up to Blake was rough. And it must hurt/make Blake feel so guilty since this volume she has been trying to emulate Ruby and thought it would help her mental health especially because Blake looks up to her. And it’s like all of her words are being thrown her face and it just feels like it is minimizing her own trauma and feelings. Even in the concept art Ruby looks upset/angry. I need to make this clear no one is in the right or wrong here this is an episode about flawed characters and it shows. Ruby and everyone else are valid in their feelings they were just in a bad place or ignorance and no one was able to act rationally because tensions were high. The girls did reach out to her and maybe they could have done more but you really can’t force someone to open up. They could not know it was this bad since Ruby would not open up even though it’s not her fault because the mask part of herself was so perfect it was impossible to see something was wrong. I was impressed by the aspect of the different kinds of breakdowns Ruby & Jaune are having. His being very loud/obvious and hers being extremely subtle & hard to notice. It sucks that every time the other girls tried to check on her or noticed something was wrong there was either an interruption or Ruby brushed them off. Like once again they could have done more but at the end of the day they are not therapists. After everything that happened this episode I think it works well to have it end quietly with just the sounds of the water. Also the imagery of the destroyed village is similar to the end of Atlas. Your discussion was emotionally poignant which I enjoyed. Awesome reaction & thoughts and keep up the great work. :-) <3

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-22 07:56:51 This is a PS for my episode 7 comment and you might missed the original post of some stuff I forgot. I wanted to say how much I like the Paper Pleasers voices with the slight echo. Someone slowed down part of the fight and Yang &amp; Blake had a moment where they were just constantly smiling at each other. The Jabberwalker’s tail is its most useful/dangerous weapon. There is a shot of Ruby clenching her fist &amp; it is almost the same as part of the opening. The last thing I forgot is that I love the use of exaggerated shadows in this episode to emphasize certain things.
2023-04-22 03:01:21 This is a PS for my episode 7 comment and you might missed the original post of some stuff I forgot. I wanted to say how much I like the Paper Pleasers voices with the slight echo. Someone slowed down part of the fight and Yang & Blake had a moment where they were just constantly smiling at each other. The Jabberwalker’s tail is its most useful/dangerous weapon. There is a shot of Ruby clenching her fist & it is almost the same as part of the opening. The last thing I forgot is that I love the use of exaggerated shadows in this episode to emphasize certain things.

This is a PS for my episode 7 comment and you might missed the original post of some stuff I forgot. I wanted to say how much I like the Paper Pleasers voices with the slight echo. Someone slowed down part of the fight and Yang & Blake had a moment where they were just constantly smiling at each other. The Jabberwalker’s tail is its most useful/dangerous weapon. There is a shot of Ruby clenching her fist & it is almost the same as part of the opening. The last thing I forgot is that I love the use of exaggerated shadows in this episode to emphasize certain things.


Hey, I'm so sorry I never got back to your comment! I didn't forget about it, just have been saving it for when I had more time to write this weekend! That's a good point about the echo. Awww that's sweet about Blake and Yang, I love little details like that! Interesting about the tail. Oh I didn't catch the reference to the intro! Yeah the visuals were great here, including the use of shadows! I'll be writing back to your comment above soon! Thanks so much for your patience!!!! ^_^


Hey, sorry for taking forever to get back to you! I'm gonna write back, just wanted to let you know I didn't forget about your comment! :D

kamenriderhime (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 07:53:37 I know, that warning is a scary sight to see right! The paper village is really cool and interesting in its design. OMG they totally cuddled!! Also I missed Weiss dodging but that's amazing haha! Oh that's cool about the white rabbit reference! I know, I feel like no one has truly picked up on Ruby's mental state at this point. The calm reaction to everything being on fire was pretty great lol. It's really sad but makes sense to see how Jaune's trauma led him to this! I know, I totally had to pause to read things like that because the details are just too good haha! OMG the goose!!!! And Pyrrha &lt;3 Yeah Little always notices the little shifts with Ruby. I think you're right that this situation can be viewed many different ways in terms of the obvious suicide implications, but also the reincarnation aspect. It is really interesting to think that in a way, this is not proper treatment of the paper pleasers or the situation.....it's an interesting concept to debate, albeit controversial. I love Jaune and Juniper! And how in sync Yang and Blake were! I agree, I think it's a very realistic depiction of PTSD. :( I agree, it might not have been pretty or polite but I think Ruby needed to get all that out. Awww that's a sad detail about Weiss and Blake retreating a bit! Also it is interesting that Jaune figured out the Neo situation. So well said about isolation, it's no wonder Jaune is in this state. It was sad to see Ruby and Jaune fight! And I agree that the two VAs just knocked it out of the park here. The shut up was harsh but it really illustrates just what a state Ruby is in at this point. Exactly - Blake is trying so hard to Ruby while Ruby can't Ruby lol, it just didn't hit right at this particular moment. Agreed - everyone here is valid, it's not like there's blatant wrongdoing or blame to place, it's just a very sad mess! Ruby's was definitely really subtle which I think is a great point to make - not all breakdowns are obvious. The crew undoubtedly would have done more if they'd known how bad it had gotten, but it's not anyone's fault that we just weren't on the same page. We're coming hot off the heels of a giant losing battle and a relocation to literally another dimension lol so we've been kept pretty busy. I'm so glad you enjoyed my discussion!!! Thank you for all your support and kindness, it truly means a lot! Sorry for not getting back to you sooner but I always enjoy reading what you have to say!!! ^_^
2023-04-24 14:12:33 I know, that warning is a scary sight to see right! The paper village is really cool and interesting in its design. OMG they totally cuddled!! Also I missed Weiss dodging but that's amazing haha! Oh that's cool about the white rabbit reference! I know, I feel like no one has truly picked up on Ruby's mental state at this point. The calm reaction to everything being on fire was pretty great lol. It's really sad but makes sense to see how Jaune's trauma led him to this! I know, I totally had to pause to read things like that because the details are just too good haha! OMG the goose!!!! And Pyrrha <3 Yeah Little always notices the little shifts with Ruby. I think you're right that this situation can be viewed many different ways in terms of the obvious suicide implications, but also the reincarnation aspect. It is really interesting to think that in a way, this is not proper treatment of the paper pleasers or the situation.....it's an interesting concept to debate, albeit controversial. I love Jaune and Juniper! And how in sync Yang and Blake were! I agree, I think it's a very realistic depiction of PTSD. :( I agree, it might not have been pretty or polite but I think Ruby needed to get all that out. Awww that's a sad detail about Weiss and Blake retreating a bit! Also it is interesting that Jaune figured out the Neo situation. So well said about isolation, it's no wonder Jaune is in this state. It was sad to see Ruby and Jaune fight! And I agree that the two VAs just knocked it out of the park here. The shut up was harsh but it really illustrates just what a state Ruby is in at this point. Exactly - Blake is trying so hard to Ruby while Ruby can't Ruby lol, it just didn't hit right at this particular moment. Agreed - everyone here is valid, it's not like there's blatant wrongdoing or blame to place, it's just a very sad mess! Ruby's was definitely really subtle which I think is a great point to make - not all breakdowns are obvious. The crew undoubtedly would have done more if they'd known how bad it had gotten, but it's not anyone's fault that we just weren't on the same page. We're coming hot off the heels of a giant losing battle and a relocation to literally another dimension lol so we've been kept pretty busy. I'm so glad you enjoyed my discussion!!! Thank you for all your support and kindness, it truly means a lot! Sorry for not getting back to you sooner but I always enjoy reading what you have to say!!! ^_^

I know, that warning is a scary sight to see right! The paper village is really cool and interesting in its design. OMG they totally cuddled!! Also I missed Weiss dodging but that's amazing haha! Oh that's cool about the white rabbit reference! I know, I feel like no one has truly picked up on Ruby's mental state at this point. The calm reaction to everything being on fire was pretty great lol. It's really sad but makes sense to see how Jaune's trauma led him to this! I know, I totally had to pause to read things like that because the details are just too good haha! OMG the goose!!!! And Pyrrha <3 Yeah Little always notices the little shifts with Ruby. I think you're right that this situation can be viewed many different ways in terms of the obvious suicide implications, but also the reincarnation aspect. It is really interesting to think that in a way, this is not proper treatment of the paper pleasers or the situation.....it's an interesting concept to debate, albeit controversial. I love Jaune and Juniper! And how in sync Yang and Blake were! I agree, I think it's a very realistic depiction of PTSD. :( I agree, it might not have been pretty or polite but I think Ruby needed to get all that out. Awww that's a sad detail about Weiss and Blake retreating a bit! Also it is interesting that Jaune figured out the Neo situation. So well said about isolation, it's no wonder Jaune is in this state. It was sad to see Ruby and Jaune fight! And I agree that the two VAs just knocked it out of the park here. The shut up was harsh but it really illustrates just what a state Ruby is in at this point. Exactly - Blake is trying so hard to Ruby while Ruby can't Ruby lol, it just didn't hit right at this particular moment. Agreed - everyone here is valid, it's not like there's blatant wrongdoing or blame to place, it's just a very sad mess! Ruby's was definitely really subtle which I think is a great point to make - not all breakdowns are obvious. The crew undoubtedly would have done more if they'd known how bad it had gotten, but it's not anyone's fault that we just weren't on the same page. We're coming hot off the heels of a giant losing battle and a relocation to literally another dimension lol so we've been kept pretty busy. I'm so glad you enjoyed my discussion!!! Thank you for all your support and kindness, it truly means a lot! Sorry for not getting back to you sooner but I always enjoy reading what you have to say!!! ^_^