Red vs. Blue 13x08 - 13x10 - reaction & review (Patreon)
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Hey everyone! Here I am with Red vs. Blue, season 13, eps 8 - 10! Omg guys, SANTA IS HERE!!!!!!!!! Lol!!! Of course Caboose was able to meet the "requirements", since he's so pure of heart and lacking know, anything too deep I guess?? That's our Caboose!!! Also Freckles had a pretty awesome moment here as well lol. I'd be curious to know what Carolina's whole vision was, btw!! Oh yeah, and OF COURSE the bad guys heard that whole thing about a key that could wipe out the whole planet. ugghhhh!! Good thing Doyle is on it....kinda!
And last but not least, Doc is back!!!!! I....I'm ashamed to say I hadn't wondered about where he was either :(((( I'm a terrible person!!! Great eps! Enjoy! ~ MH