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Hey everyone!  Here I am with Red vs. Blue, season 13, eps 15 - 17!  OMG!!!!!!!!!!
Doyle :(((((((((((((  He was so brave!!!  All that time thinking he was a coward, and he turned out to be an epic hero!!!  Not only did he hold down the mission, but he inspired Kimball to unite these two conflicting groups, which is pretty amazing!!!!
Meanwhile, I feel like Locus is getting closer and closer to jumping ship.  Just what is Felix afraid of....!!!  So now we have a key on their side and a key on our side....will this end in an epic key vs. key battle??!?!  Guess we'll find out in the finale batch next time!  Can't wait to see what happens next!  Great eps!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Zach Feifel (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 17:25:13 RvB Seasons 12&13 Soundtracks. Enjoy! "Funny Farm"- https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://tero.net/music/cde29&ved=2ahUKEwi4voWlgMX-AhXxD1kFHZ4eBdkQo7QBegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw1BhMgylObJJyAqTP3p5uns "Half Life"- https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sxsrf=APwXEddCLVWqpO9p3p8OxwelyfWtN2TNkQ:1682424756510&q=half+life+trocadero+lyrics&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6heTPgMX-AhUbFFkFHZeYD_cQ0pQJegQIBxAB&biw=360&bih=643&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a61ae027,vid:dAFEIGFhRVM (Now I strongly recommend that you go back and find a lyric vid for Season 11's "Contact" and listen to it before this one) And Finally "Contact Redux"- https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sxsrf=APwXEdcdh7MyslEXb1GclW__18ioY0mKZg:1682424909926&q=contact+redux+lyrics&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQ5_eYgcX-AhWHFlkFHUwdCCkQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=360&bih=643&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:cf0cf022,vid:S5SWGQMP-8A
2023-04-25 12:17:21 RvB Seasons 12&13 Soundtracks. Enjoy! "Funny Farm"- https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://tero.net/music/cde29&ved=2ahUKEwi4voWlgMX-AhXxD1kFHZ4eBdkQo7QBegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw1BhMgylObJJyAqTP3p5uns "Half Life"- https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sxsrf=APwXEddCLVWqpO9p3p8OxwelyfWtN2TNkQ:1682424756510&q=half+life+trocadero+lyrics&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6heTPgMX-AhUbFFkFHZeYD_cQ0pQJegQIBxAB&biw=360&bih=643&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a61ae027,vid:dAFEIGFhRVM (Now I strongly recommend that you go back and find a lyric vid for Season 11's "Contact" and listen to it before this one) And Finally "Contact Redux"- https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sxsrf=APwXEdcdh7MyslEXb1GclW__18ioY0mKZg:1682424909926&q=contact+redux+lyrics&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQ5_eYgcX-AhWHFlkFHUwdCCkQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=360&bih=643&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:cf0cf022,vid:S5SWGQMP-8A

RvB Seasons 12&13 Soundtracks. Enjoy! "Funny Farm"- https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://tero.net/music/cde29&ved=2ahUKEwi4voWlgMX-AhXxD1kFHZ4eBdkQo7QBegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw1BhMgylObJJyAqTP3p5uns "Half Life"- https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sxsrf=APwXEddCLVWqpO9p3p8OxwelyfWtN2TNkQ:1682424756510&q=half+life+trocadero+lyrics&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6heTPgMX-AhUbFFkFHZeYD_cQ0pQJegQIBxAB&biw=360&bih=643&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a61ae027,vid:dAFEIGFhRVM (Now I strongly recommend that you go back and find a lyric vid for Season 11's "Contact" and listen to it before this one) And Finally "Contact Redux"- https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sxsrf=APwXEdcdh7MyslEXb1GclW__18ioY0mKZg:1682424909926&q=contact+redux+lyrics&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQ5_eYgcX-AhWHFlkFHUwdCCkQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=360&bih=643&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:cf0cf022,vid:S5SWGQMP-8A

Zen Reacts

Get some tissues ready for the finale!

Tyler Stobbe

I’m popping by here first cause I have a reason, even though it’s posted second today… you know why. Oh, hey! Nice shirt? Any particular reason you chose THAT one? 🙃 Okay, okay, there’s a couple of things I thought about during this batch, but it’s pretty action-y, so there isn’t as much to read into. Paloma trying to do the one-liners when they show up is pretty funny, especially since Jensen isn’t having it. (If you remember who her voice actress is, it makes it that much funnier.) What’s with Dr. Grey’s fascination with human limbs again? The whole situation with blowing up Arminian to save its people might remind you of a similar dilemma in another RT show whose name also begins with the letter A. What’s more important, infrastructure or people? It’s kind of hilarious how none of the Space Pirates could even get close to Caboose with Freckles in kill mode. The others were just window dressing. Hey, where’s Lopez? Seems like he loses his head a lot over the silliest stuff. Carolina’s dialogue with Sharkface shows the difference between the two as she’s come to terms with her actions… but Sharkface hasn’t let it go. Kinda reminds me of someone else again… but in this. See, his unwillingness to even try is what did him in. Also you probably shouldn’t give an epic rant about “as long as you’re alive” on this show… probably not the best idea. I would like to point out that Doyle’s actions in the vault were initially done with the intent of escaping, but his actions after the console get fried stem directly from the things Kimball accused him of previously. Which is interesting because she seemed like the person who was the most disturbed about him going through with it. Guilt, or pride? Maybe both? Either way… he pretty much told her “I’m doing this so you’d better take care of everyone because this is the best I can give you.” Sometimes the hero has to stay behind. Carolina’s move on top of the ship is very similar to what North did in S9 to save their shuttle, but she had an AI to help her. Kimball’s speech at the end is a barn burner isn’t it? Honestly, it kind of felt like she was pulling her lines from a description of AoT: you know what I mean. But hey, if it gets them to start working together then it’ll be worth it. Also, side note, Lindsay Jones is having quite a banner week on your schedule, isn’t she? 😂 Felix, you’re getting coal in your stocking, but Santa is neutral. He’s neither good nor bad. So he just does what he’s told to the person with the key. What is Felix afraid of? Santa said it’s obvious… By the way, I’m not working for that guy. It’s kind of interesting that Miles is playing the bad guy and yet he’s writing the whole story isn’t it? Kind of different! And also, I think you should be aware what tower Tucker turned on. But just in case you weren’t I won’t say it… The Chorus Trilogy ends next week. Buckle your seat belt, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride! And don’t sit next to Doc…


You know what I really like about Doyle's sacrifice? It was entirely within character, and he didn't suddenly have any new skills or knowledge in order to pull it off. He ran like a rabbit, he used his knowledge of the city's infrastructure, and his actions at the reactor were based on administration, not combat. And at the end of the day, he truly could not leave Harmonia, after saying time and again that they should stay and defend it. It's not a complicated character arc he completes, but it really doesn't have to be.

Chase Lazration

Just because I love The Meta so much (I don't know if you've figured that out by now lol) I'm gonna talk about him some more. I was thinking recently and I figured out a cool parallel between Locus and The Meta. From what we've seen, Locus seems to idolize The Meta and strives to become a weapon, because that's what he understands The Meta to be; a true soldier that follows orders. But when you look at what The Meta really was, then you'd know that it's the exact opposite. The Meta was a machine that was trying to become human. Locus is a Human that is trying to become a machine. I just really love Maine


Wow I should have seen it with Doyle. As he was running away I was thinking maybe the rest were going to think of a way to get him back in time but no. Good on him. He’s probably braver than most on the field. It’s where it counts. Kimball’s speech was began and ended beautifully top notched. I was ready to go to war by the end. And it just felt so right and true to say these guys deserved to win over smug jerks like Felix. I’m pumped! I can’t wait for next week!


That is such a great point!!! I knew there was something that I couldn't quite put my finger on that made it even better. This is a good example of good writing!!!


Haha there's a lot to love! There is an interesting connection here for sure. How interesting that Locus would idealize the Meta only to find that their goals are totally contrasted. Maine is pretty awesome!!!


I knowwww!!!! :( The speech was great! Me too haha! They really really do!!!! I'm pumped too and rooting for them 100%! Yay!!! Can't wait!!!!!!


Hahaha take a wild guess why I'm wearing that dress!!! :P Lol the one-liners thing is funny, especially considering Jensen's VA!!! Dr. Grey has some unusual hobbies lol. Ahhhh as a matter of fact I can see the connection to that other show! LOL Freckles was raging!!! Poor Lopez, he lost his head again :P Oh yeah, as soon as the "as long as I'm alive" rant started, you knew he was a goner. It does highlight how far Carolina has come though. Doyle's sacrifice was so well done! I think it makes it even more realistic that he wasn't intending for it to be a big dramatic sacrifice, but was willing to do whatever it took at the end. Oh good call about the move with the ship! OMG Kimball was channeling her inner Erwin Smith for sure :D Hahah yeah Miles is doing a great job here of both constructing the story and playing the villain! I get that Santa is netural but he seems to be questioning some things still lol. I have some theories on Felix but I'll wait for the reveal. Ohh, I need to go back and check about the tower! Ahhhh I can't wait for the finale but I'm scared!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Supermonaman (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-11 22:48:33 Man, what a great set of episodes. Malcolm is just willing to do anything to end this even if he has to sacrifice all of his men which shows more of who he is as a person. I love the plan our heroes come up with its so clever & tactical. This is a really good way to get rid of a lot the threats they are facing all at once. But of course it’s not that easy for our group with Sharkface coming for Carolina as she protects the others by challenging him to a one on one fight. I love the scene of the guys taking stock of weapons it’s really fun especially Doc/O’Malley ready to kick ass with the rocket launcher. Lopez stuck in the engine, enemy soldiers approaching & all of them being like act natural/hide in and being terrible at doing that is such a chaotic & hilarious I love it LOL. I love Carolina apologizing to and wanting to let Sharkface leave alive it shows how much growth has gone through to get this self awareness & maturity. But he can’t understand this after being obsessed with revenge for so long. Also his line about ripping out what ever has gotten into her is savage. And what a place to end right before a big fight. I totally relate to worrying about death flags when characters get big set up. Episode 16 is an amazing action episode with a great emotional climax. I love seeing the guys holding off highly skilled/motivated mercenaries as they prepare to get the hell out of there. You would want to believe it’s not necessary however Doyle staying behind to make sure the enemy stays in the city was the right move considering the stakes. Wash saying to calm down & then getting just as angry as Kimball at what Doyle is doing. I like the detail that he is going to get to the reactor faster because he knows the city so well having lived there so long. I like his confidence here since he knows it has to be done. It might be short but I love the final fight between Carolina & Sharkface. I love how she uses the environment of this tram to get to the rendezvous and make him unable to use his fire that’s something I really enjoy/appreciate when it’s used in fights. The animation for her hand-to-hand combat is so good I love how clear the difference in skills between them. She has so many awesome moments there that kick split, throwing a damn door at him just perfect. I love when stories go into the whole cycle of revenge and the idea of breaking the cycle like what happened with Wash & Carolina. However what I love about what happens with Sharkface is how the idea is subverted in a way but also still talks about the idea by using his character as a way to show what happens if you can’t let go of feelings of vengeance in this case dying. I want to talk about his voice it’s perfect for the type of character he is. His final speech has left a lasting impression on me. The tragedy of Doyle here is so emotionally impactful and I love how when it mattered most his true courage came through. I like him talking about this not being perfect since a big part of this trilogy is there not always being a perfect solution to things. You can really hear the emotion in Kimball’s voice when she is dragged away and Doyle’s radio goes out. I think his final words are very inspiring. It’s crazy to end the episode on Carolina doing her best to defend everyone from a nuclear explosion I can totally understand why you were angry/upset. This is an example of your emotional honesty with your reactions which I love about your channel. The last episode of this set is so uplifting. The omega part of Church being angry at Charon is a nice detail. I like Church giving credit to North for how impressive using the shield on an entire ship is. It makes sense that Kimball would want to be alone after what just happened it’s just unfortunate that those events are causing tension between the armies. I hate how smug Felix is now that he can use the sword. I think it’s great that the whole purge thing gives us insight into Felix’s outlook/mindset. The strong live, weak die and don’t trust anyone philosophy of his is so cynical and messed up. And now that I think about it in a shallow way that is kind of like Raven from RWBY. It’s interesting to see Locus’s reservations here as well as the continued intrigue of what scares Felix. I love how Kimball’s speech is built up slowly. I love how she brings up what war is like having to see your enemies as evil because it shows they aren’t that different & helps push unity. Honestly being able to fuck over Felix would be more than enough motivation for me to fight but the other things she says are nice too I guess LOL. The one guy who started the cheering/celebration is so funny. And now it’s time to get some advantages of our own with Santa’s help. I agree a good or bad villain can make or break a story. Also that’s a nice dress. Awesome reaction & thoughts. Keep up the great work. :-) <3
2023-07-11 18:14:30 Man, what a great set of episodes. Malcolm is just willing to do anything to end this even if he has to sacrifice all of his men which shows more of who he is as a person. I love the plan our heroes come up with its so clever & tactical. This is a really good way to get rid of a lot the threats they are facing all at once. But of course it’s not that easy for our group with Sharkface coming for Carolina as she protects the others by challenging him to a one on one fight. I love the scene of the guys taking stock of weapons it’s really fun especially Doc/O’Malley ready to kick ass with the rocket launcher. Lopez stuck in the engine, enemy soldiers approaching & all of them being like act natural/hide in and being terrible at doing that is such a chaotic & hilarious I love it LOL. I love Carolina apologizing to and wanting to let Sharkface leave alive it shows how much growth has gone through to get this self awareness & maturity. But he can’t understand this after being obsessed with revenge for so long. Also his line about ripping out what ever has gotten into her is savage. And what a place to end right before a big fight. I totally relate to worrying about death flags when characters get big set up. Episode 16 is an amazing action episode with a great emotional climax. I love seeing the guys holding off highly skilled/motivated mercenaries as they prepare to get the hell out of there. You would want to believe it’s not necessary however Doyle staying behind to make sure the enemy stays in the city was the right move considering the stakes. Wash saying to calm down & then getting just as angry as Kimball at what Doyle is doing. I like the detail that he is going to get to the reactor faster because he knows the city so well having lived there so long. I like his confidence here since he knows it has to be done. It might be short but I love the final fight between Carolina & Sharkface. I love how she uses the environment of this tram to get to the rendezvous and make him unable to use his fire that’s something I really enjoy/appreciate when it’s used in fights. The animation for her hand-to-hand combat is so good I love how clear the difference in skills between them. She has so many awesome moments there that kick split, throwing a damn door at him just perfect. I love when stories go into the whole cycle of revenge and the idea of breaking the cycle like what happened with Wash & Carolina. However what I love about what happens with Sharkface is how the idea is subverted in a way but also still talks about the idea by using his character as a way to show what happens if you can’t let go of feelings of vengeance in this case dying. I want to talk about his voice it’s perfect for the type of character he is. His final speech has left a lasting impression on me. The tragedy of Doyle here is so emotionally impactful and I love how when it mattered most his true courage came through. I like him talking about this not being perfect since a big part of this trilogy is there not always being a perfect solution to things. You can really hear the emotion in Kimball’s voice when she is dragged away and Doyle’s radio goes out. I think his final words are very inspiring. It’s crazy to end the episode on Carolina doing her best to defend everyone from a nuclear explosion I can totally understand why you were angry/upset. This is an example of your emotional honesty with your reactions which I love about your channel. The last episode of this set is so uplifting. The omega part of Church being angry at Charon is a nice detail. I like Church giving credit to North for how impressive using the shield on an entire ship is. It makes sense that Kimball would want to be alone after what just happened it’s just unfortunate that those events are causing tension between the armies. I hate how smug Felix is now that he can use the sword. I think it’s great that the whole purge thing gives us insight into Felix’s outlook/mindset. The strong live, weak die and don’t trust anyone philosophy of his is so cynical and messed up. And now that I think about it in a shallow way that is kind of like Raven from RWBY. It’s interesting to see Locus’s reservations here as well as the continued intrigue of what scares Felix. I love how Kimball’s speech is built up slowly. I love how she brings up what war is like having to see your enemies as evil because it shows they aren’t that different & helps push unity. Honestly being able to fuck over Felix would be more than enough motivation for me to fight but the other things she says are nice too I guess LOL. The one guy who started the cheering/celebration is so funny. And now it’s time to get some advantages of our own with Santa’s help. I agree a good or bad villain can make or break a story. Also that’s a nice dress. Awesome reaction & thoughts. Keep up the great work. :-) <3

Man, what a great set of episodes. Malcolm is just willing to do anything to end this even if he has to sacrifice all of his men which shows more of who he is as a person. I love the plan our heroes come up with its so clever & tactical. This is a really good way to get rid of a lot the threats they are facing all at once. But of course it’s not that easy for our group with Sharkface coming for Carolina as she protects the others by challenging him to a one on one fight. I love the scene of the guys taking stock of weapons it’s really fun especially Doc/O’Malley ready to kick ass with the rocket launcher. Lopez stuck in the engine, enemy soldiers approaching & all of them being like act natural/hide in and being terrible at doing that is such a chaotic & hilarious I love it LOL. I love Carolina apologizing to and wanting to let Sharkface leave alive it shows how much growth has gone through to get this self awareness & maturity. But he can’t understand this after being obsessed with revenge for so long. Also his line about ripping out what ever has gotten into her is savage. And what a place to end right before a big fight. I totally relate to worrying about death flags when characters get big set up. Episode 16 is an amazing action episode with a great emotional climax. I love seeing the guys holding off highly skilled/motivated mercenaries as they prepare to get the hell out of there. You would want to believe it’s not necessary however Doyle staying behind to make sure the enemy stays in the city was the right move considering the stakes. Wash saying to calm down & then getting just as angry as Kimball at what Doyle is doing. I like the detail that he is going to get to the reactor faster because he knows the city so well having lived there so long. I like his confidence here since he knows it has to be done. It might be short but I love the final fight between Carolina & Sharkface. I love how she uses the environment of this tram to get to the rendezvous and make him unable to use his fire that’s something I really enjoy/appreciate when it’s used in fights. The animation for her hand-to-hand combat is so good I love how clear the difference in skills between them. She has so many awesome moments there that kick split, throwing a damn door at him just perfect. I love when stories go into the whole cycle of revenge and the idea of breaking the cycle like what happened with Wash & Carolina. However what I love about what happens with Sharkface is how the idea is subverted in a way but also still talks about the idea by using his character as a way to show what happens if you can’t let go of feelings of vengeance in this case dying. I want to talk about his voice it’s perfect for the type of character he is. His final speech has left a lasting impression on me. The tragedy of Doyle here is so emotionally impactful and I love how when it mattered most his true courage came through. I like him talking about this not being perfect since a big part of this trilogy is there not always being a perfect solution to things. You can really hear the emotion in Kimball’s voice when she is dragged away and Doyle’s radio goes out. I think his final words are very inspiring. It’s crazy to end the episode on Carolina doing her best to defend everyone from a nuclear explosion I can totally understand why you were angry/upset. This is an example of your emotional honesty with your reactions which I love about your channel. The last episode of this set is so uplifting. The omega part of Church being angry at Charon is a nice detail. I like Church giving credit to North for how impressive using the shield on an entire ship is. It makes sense that Kimball would want to be alone after what just happened it’s just unfortunate that those events are causing tension between the armies. I hate how smug Felix is now that he can use the sword. I think it’s great that the whole purge thing gives us insight into Felix’s outlook/mindset. The strong live, weak die and don’t trust anyone philosophy of his is so cynical and messed up. And now that I think about it in a shallow way that is kind of like Raven from RWBY. It’s interesting to see Locus’s reservations here as well as the continued intrigue of what scares Felix. I love how Kimball’s speech is built up slowly. I love how she brings up what war is like having to see your enemies as evil because it shows they aren’t that different & helps push unity. Honestly being able to fuck over Felix would be more than enough motivation for me to fight but the other things she says are nice too I guess LOL. The one guy who started the cheering/celebration is so funny. And now it’s time to get some advantages of our own with Santa’s help. I agree a good or bad villain can make or break a story. Also that’s a nice dress. Awesome reaction & thoughts. Keep up the great work. :-) <3

kamenriderhime (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-19 18:11:31 What a batch right!!! I love their whole plan and everything. The silliness and amazingness of things like the rocket launcher and Lopez and everything is just gold. And I love the character growth for Carolina here too, in the scene with Sharkface. The cliffhanger right!? And the death flag!! I know, it's ironic about Wash getting angry right. And the final fight with Sharkface is great! Such a great point about Sharkface being a good example of what happens when you chase after revenge. And the voice fit so well! Doyle's speech &lt;3333 It was such a well done scene and I agree about Kimball's reaction. I'm so happy you to hear that you appreciate my emotions and anger, thank you!!! I wear my heart on my sleeve lol but I'm glad it enhances the experience of my reactions!! Thank you :D The last episode is definitely uplifting! Ugh Felix, I can totally see the comparison to Raven's way of thinking too. Kimball's speech was so good, including the build up! Hahahha I hear you, taking down Felix would totally be motivation on its own! The guy who started cheering lol!!! A good villain makes all the difference right! And I'm so happy you like the dress, it's seriously like one of my favorite pieces of clothing haha!! Thanks for all your kind words and awesomeness!!! ^_^
2023-07-19 14:05:18 What a batch right!!! I love their whole plan and everything. The silliness and amazingness of things like the rocket launcher and Lopez and everything is just gold. And I love the character growth for Carolina here too, in the scene with Sharkface. The cliffhanger right!? And the death flag!! I know, it's ironic about Wash getting angry right. And the final fight with Sharkface is great! Such a great point about Sharkface being a good example of what happens when you chase after revenge. And the voice fit so well! Doyle's speech <3333 It was such a well done scene and I agree about Kimball's reaction. I'm so happy you to hear that you appreciate my emotions and anger, thank you!!! I wear my heart on my sleeve lol but I'm glad it enhances the experience of my reactions!! Thank you :D The last episode is definitely uplifting! Ugh Felix, I can totally see the comparison to Raven's way of thinking too. Kimball's speech was so good, including the build up! Hahahha I hear you, taking down Felix would totally be motivation on its own! The guy who started cheering lol!!! A good villain makes all the difference right! And I'm so happy you like the dress, it's seriously like one of my favorite pieces of clothing haha!! Thanks for all your kind words and awesomeness!!! ^_^

What a batch right!!! I love their whole plan and everything. The silliness and amazingness of things like the rocket launcher and Lopez and everything is just gold. And I love the character growth for Carolina here too, in the scene with Sharkface. The cliffhanger right!? And the death flag!! I know, it's ironic about Wash getting angry right. And the final fight with Sharkface is great! Such a great point about Sharkface being a good example of what happens when you chase after revenge. And the voice fit so well! Doyle's speech <3333 It was such a well done scene and I agree about Kimball's reaction. I'm so happy you to hear that you appreciate my emotions and anger, thank you!!! I wear my heart on my sleeve lol but I'm glad it enhances the experience of my reactions!! Thank you :D The last episode is definitely uplifting! Ugh Felix, I can totally see the comparison to Raven's way of thinking too. Kimball's speech was so good, including the build up! Hahahha I hear you, taking down Felix would totally be motivation on its own! The guy who started cheering lol!!! A good villain makes all the difference right! And I'm so happy you like the dress, it's seriously like one of my favorite pieces of clothing haha!! Thanks for all your kind words and awesomeness!!! ^_^