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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 2, episode 10 of The Bad Batch!  Wow, we get to see that the Empire's not the only one who lies to/extorts its people in this one, sadly.  We saw it in Clone Wars, it's happening here, and it's not gonna stop anytime soon.....corruption is everywhere!  But so is goodness, and the Bad Batch is about to unleash a whole lot of good here lol.  Omega makes another friend and lo and behold, our crew ends up sort of liberating an entire mine of what appeared to be child laborers....plus we got our ship back!!  So all in all, a win win I'd say!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TiE7a11TAxiI0uzBB4bZspZKKo9UXQ1P/view?usp=sharing



Not so much to say on this one, its a tale we've heard before in Star Wars about people being oppressed and rising from it. I suppose someone like Makko is the type of parasite to survive during these times, feeding off others. He gets his comeuppance by the end though. Cool design he was though; he's a new species design for Star Wars which doesn't even have a name yet. He can certainly eat as well, he'd give Jabba a run for his money there! There is also a lot of Temple Of Doom in this one too with the child slave labour hints. The thief reminds me a lot of early Ezra. He has the gift of the gab, and is obviously a good little thief. Omega is taking none of his bluff and bluster though, she's learning! Ha good call on the spy music for the heist of the crew getting their ship back going in through the vents. Very Mission : Impossible. Tech is right at the end though. For all the corruption and exploitation around in the galaxy at this time; there is still plenty of others that will start to fight against this, and eventually prevail. Shame its all fantasy though and doesn't happen so much in our world.

Tyler Stobbe

You might want to recheck those “autoplay next episode” settings on Disney+? Seems like they were working last week but then someone turned them back on? 🤔 I forgot to say it last episode but we’r you about to make a “follow the light” joke? Ironic after Visions. 🙃 Anyway, there’s obviously an overlying theme in this episode and that’s shrinking down the threat of the Empire to a smaller scale mirror image of it. And the thing is, the ones working for scraps, even Benni, are so indoctrinated that they don’t realize just how much they’re being taken advantage of. That being said, yeah, the Empire does a lot of nasty stuff - but I think they at least feed their workers adequately? You could say what happened between Mokko and Benni is a microcosm of a certain relationship between Palpatine and Anakin? Also, in the meantime, Omega seems to be starting to be quite useful on her own, she’s not the helpless person she used to be… although she still keeps finding her way into trouble. It’s almost like that McGonigal meme “why is it whenever there’s something going on, I find you in the middle of it?” Them’s the breaks, I guess? 🤷‍♂️ I wonder what Rex and Echo are doing that’s so top secret though…


Tech is on a role with the pep talks! 👏


Lol I have no idea what's going on with the settings! I'll check :P Hahah I didn't even realize I was making the follow the light joke but wow, that is fitting! It was interesting to see the theme of a smaller scale Empire, yet there being enough brainwashing going around to sustain it. I mean, I think the Empire does at least feed their people! Oof, it's definitely a bit of a mirror image of Palpatine and Anakin. I'm proud of Omega! Hahaha yup, that line pretty much sums it up :P I know, I'd love to know what those two are up to!


It's a bit of a trope but a good one! He has a great design too! Hahaha yeah I'd hate to see him and Jabba having an eating contest! That's a good point about the Temple of Doom references. You know what, the first person I thought of was Ezra too!!! Omega's catching on fast! Lol I loved the spy music! I know, Tech's speech was inspiring and I do wish it happened more in the real world as well!! :/


Can't wait to see how you get on with this week's Bad Batch, two stellar episodes in completely different ways! :D


In episode twelve there is a bird in it which seems to be very symbolic. If you haven't seen it, I'd like to hear your thoughts on it post-reaction Mel if possible, as there is many theories around about it and what it may mean.


Ooh, I'm actually watching 11 and 12 this week!! Interesting! I'll be curious to see the context and discuss afterwards!!!


Yes looking forward to Thursday and seeing your reactions to both episodes! Episode 11 is a doozy as well, and I think you'll get a surprise with it! 12 is my favourite in all of Bad Batch so can't wait to see what you make of them both! I'm a bit behind on your Visions reactions, I'll get onto them soon too. Just watched episode 7 a minute ago and seeing an Indian granny Jedi, was something I didn't think I needed in Star Wars hehe! :D


Yay! I can't wait to see them! They sound great! Sounds good on Visions, hope you enjoy my reactions! Isn't it something to see all these interpretations of Star Wars!! :D