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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 2, episode 11 of The Bad Batch!  OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You have GOT to be kidding me.....all this time spent, wondering, wishing about the Zillo Beast....!!!!  I'm absolutely overjoyed they brought it back!
I mean, it does spell trouble for our crew in this one, and lord only knows what Palpatine is planning with it, but still!  Also speaking of plans, that's VERY bad that in an effort to save himself, the Kamioan prime minister has basically put a target on Omega's head.  Also we got to actually see what happened to those two after everything at the end of season 1.  Wow, I just never thought I'd get this ep!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PyJmMOF1yUizOAeUPY_HL4U_PPgMZDZg/view?usp=sharing



The atmosphere as they build up the creature in this episode is spine-tingling. They did such a good job making a cartoon feel like the legendary sci-fi horror Alien! So we head back to Mount Tantiss, this is where much of those funds Rampart 'redistributed' which were assigned for Kamino, went. Its obviously a secret operation with Palpatine wants to keep under wraps for his more nefarious cloning schemes. Tech mentions it near the end of the episode, that the Empire didn't want to destroy Kaminoan cloning, merely to control it. We know where this is all going through the sequels and Mando, and this is the start. We meet our new nemesis, Doctor Hemlock (and just to make sure we know he's our baddie, he's named after the poisonous plant the Greeks used both treat joint pain and execute prisoners). He has a very quiet and calm demeanour, but its usually the quiet ones you need to look out for the most! You picked up it was the Zillo Beast quicker than I when first watching, though judging by the title of the episode, metamorphisis, it was going to keep changing throughout! What a callback! Season 2 of Clone Wars, which featured the Zillo Beast story, was back in 2010, so it took 12 years to go somewhere with that plot, but it was worth it! It makes perfect sense too to bring it into the cloning story the Empire is experimenting with. I think the reason I was slower on the uptake was because the Zillo Beast is a story I never revisit when I go through Clone Wars again on rewatches, as I just feel sorry for it; in the same way I can't watch King Kong as seeing animals used and being shot at just upsets me! Even if its just fiction! :D So you got it in one Mel, this is a clone of the Zillo Beast that was in the TCW story (I dunno if they killed that one) and this one feeds off of electricity too. The Empire here manages to get control over the 'baby' here and send it back to Mount Tantiss to do god knows what else to it under Hemlock's guidance. The Empire's commandoes (clone commandoes at that) come in to round up the villagers, probably imprisoning them someplace. They will not want this getting out of what happened here. And now Lama Su comes in, wants his freedom and puts Omega under the bus, for it. Rampart should have killed him. Cracking episode which sets new plots in action with the cloning, our new antagonist Hemlock, the Empire looking for Omega now, and to top it off a cameo from the Zillo Beast!


Just to say, the start of this episode has some Alien vibes: “In space no one can hear you scream” 🫨 And I’ve just read Saltire’s comment and seen he picked up on this too! :-) Love the cloning links on display to the sequels and The Mandalorian - and the reconnection with the Zillo Beast episodes in the Clone Wars. Overall, I’m a little vague what this cloning project entails, but it’s a nice conspiracy arc for Star Wars, just like the alien conspiracy arc in The X-Files adds to the fun of watching that series as well. And love the new character Dr Hemlock, and his quiet yet menacing demeanour: very much like Admiral Thrawn. And his choice of name is great too - as Saltire has already picked up upon. Of course, hemlock was allegedly used to execute Socrates.

Tyler Stobbe

So when I was watching this episode I immediately thought, “did Dave Filoni bring Ridley Scott in for an episode?” Because all the sneaking around, splitting up, and creepy hallways reminded me a lot of the original “Alien.” Fortunately the birth wasn’t quite as… traumatic… XD “If this is the Zillo Beast…” hey, look at that, even broken clocks get to be right twice a day. I didn’t pick up on what it actually was until Tech said something to confirm it, though - and I swear it’s head does look kinda like the Alien too. I’m sure there was some inspiration here. Nala Se apparently was somewhat reluctant already, but it sounds like the destruction of Kamino is what really made her withdraw cooperation. Also, it sounds like the goal is not so much to clone the Zillo Beast but to harvest its defensive properties. Apparently, Nala Se is the only scientist with the know-how… so they need Omega to “motivate” her. Which makes me wonder, what exactly DOES Omega have that’s so important as a clone? Still haven’t really looked into that. So the Empire wants to know what ship got away… and where Omega is. What they don’t know is the two answers are together. So how do we bring back half a Zillo Beast to Cid? She did say fifty percent, but I don’t think this is what she had in mind… Better be careful because like Tech said, she already knows everything the Empire is looking for. I don’t know if she really would sell them out, but the mere fact it’s being discussed…? As Samuel L. Jackson once said, “hold onto your butts.”


I can totally see that!! Hahaha yeah thankfully it didn't go quite that far lol. Hahah gee thanks :P Even I guess right every once in a while! I needed confirmation too because it didn't look like the Zillo beast we knew. They really alien-ed it up! I can't say I blame Nala Se, blowing up someone's home isn't a great way to get them on board with you. Ohhh is that what they want with the Zillo beast? That makes sense. Yeah we never did reveal all the mysteries about what makes Omega unique scientifically - aside from her not being an age-progressed clone and all. Yeah it's a good thing the Empire doesn't know those two things are connected huh. LOL not sure what Cid would do with like 40 lbs of Zillo Beast meat anyway....!!! Right, I feel like they're dropping a lot of hints about her having so much on them. As someone who watches lots of shows with drama and twists, I can confidently say that I have secured my butt for the remainder of this season!!!


Hahah yes apparently there's huge Alien vibes in this one, I can totally see it now that it's been pointed out! I love the connection too, it's a nice touch. Oh good call about the X-Files vibes as well - another great series! I can see the Thrawn aspects of Hemlock, I'm sure he'll make for an interesting village. Oh no kidding about the name! That's a nice touch!!


Yes, I can see the Alien references now for sure!! This definitely all connects to what we've seen in Mando. I love the name reference for Dr. Hemlock! The quiet ones are for sure the scariest!!! I'm so glad I was right about it being the Zillo beast - I'm usually not that great at predicting, but I've been dying to see this darn creature for so long! It's a huge callback! It's crazy to think that after all those years they brought it back. Aww I totally get it, I wouldn't wanna rewatch the Zillo beast one either, it's so sad!!! It's a good thing to have a heavy heart for animals in need, even if it is fiction! It's awful that on top of all of this, the prisoners are captured for knowing too much. Hate to say it, but the target on Omega wouldn't have happened if Rampart had killed Lama Su like you said :O What an ep - new threats from the Empire and the Zillo beast all in one story!!


That's a good note about the similarities with Thrawn Nick. Funnily enough been rewatching more Rebels (yep I know for over the hundredth time, but you can never have too much Rebels!!) and been watching most of the Thrawn episodes in it. Can't wait to see the Ahsoka series; I see the promotions for it are starting as Rosario Dawson was on the cover of a big entertainment mag in her Ahsoka gear this week. Anyway yep, Hemlock does have a similar demeanour to the big blue baddie! I loved X-Files back in the day too; some of the stories from that show still creep me the heck out!


It’s impossible to overdo watching Rebels 😄 X-Files has always been one of my favourites!


I couldn't agree more, you can never overdo it with Rebels!!! I'm having a blast editing them for YouTube right now haha. I'm so excited that we're ramping up to the Ahsoka series!!! X-Files was amazing and so well done! When it wanted to be creepy it succeeded so well!!!