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Hey everyone!!  WOW guys, have I got a schedule for you this week!  So much going on - the RWBY VOL 9 SOUNDTRACK!!!  A few Kamen Rider specials, kicking off a new season of RvB, etc.!  Please note that Jujutsu Kaisen is on a break until Aug 31, which is why I have an extra Kamen Rider special in there this week.  In the future, I'm hoping to use these weeks where we have no JJK or Ahsoka to watch more Kamen Rider movies, double up on Jojo again maybe, etc.!  It's a weird little in between spot because I can't really fit another series in there, but it is a good opportunity to catch up on little things I haven't had time for in the past!

Oh by the way, I found my new Halloween costume based on this week's Jojo reactions, can you guess what it is??  I'm sooooo excited <33333333

Have a great week and stay awesome!!!

~ MH



Level Up Gamer Max

U are going to absolutely laugh ur butt off when u watch the Geats Hyper Battle XD and it's full of cute moments too HAHAHA and can't wait and hope for more Kamen Rider Specials! Revice has a lot of spin-off mini-series so u might want to try and condense all of their episodes into 1 day, they are only 10 to 15 minutes long anyway

Tyler Stobbe

I have to admit, I’m surprised. I thought for sure you’d be going after a certain Demon Slayer hashira for Halloween. Obviously I did a lot of work already for the OST, so much that I woke up with a neck ache from typing and re-editing so much! But I DID want you to know how difficult it was to restrain myself from making a “bug spray” joke during one of the tracks. But I DO play fair, and did my best to let a certain portion of the fan base have their moment. :P Should be noted, this is the first RWBY soundtrack that has no involvement from Jeff. The majority of the work, including the lyrical songs, was done by Casey herself and her co-writer is Martin Gonzalez, who had already done some of the background track work on Volume 8’s OST. We also begin the second phase of the Shisno Paradox Trilogy on RvB as well - and let’s just say you’ll see things you won’t believe - or be able to unsee. Even some of the writers still have nightmares from some of the leftover props from S16, according to things I heard at RTX .


I can't wait lol!!! I know, there are so many I need to catch up on!! Oooh that's a good thought about the Revice ones, I didn't realize they were so short! Thanks!


I would love to be Mitsuri but then what would Buffy be??? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry you got actual neck strain from all that work!! Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into it, I haven't read through the notes yet because I wanna do that on camera after listening, obviously, but I can already see just by the volume of your message how much work you put into it! LOL good for you for taking the high road on the bug spray joke :P Oh right, I think someone mentioned that when the volume first started. I can't wait to hear in-depth how Casey has shaped all of these songs! Whoa, that sound utterly terrifying about the new season of RvB!!! So you're telling me I get to add MORE trauma to my schedule now?!!?!?!?! :O Lol!

Level Up Gamer Max

Anytime! Also gonna mention the spin-offs are at least 3 to 5 episodes long, so u can finish them in roughly a day!