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Hey everyone!  Here I am with season 1, episode 1 of Camp Camp!!!  WOW was this fun, it was great to finally dig in and see what this series is all about!  As you can probably imagine, my fave character so far is David!!!!  Poor, sweet, pure David!!!!  We get everyone/everything all established here with tons of jokes along the way.  I can't wait to get to know all the campers better and see what kind of hilariously awful stuff they're gonna do lol!!!  Great ep, enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WSAkw_mdjxdl8gQk87afswAK1fsKoPa6/view?usp=sharing


Tyler Stobbe

Welcome to Cameron Campbell’s Camp Campbell, which is a mouthful, so we’re not calling it that. Honestly, I’m not surprised you’re vibing with David because he kinda seems to be on the same wavelength as you - good hearted, fun loving, doesn’t like to swear, yet is constantly subjected to horrible and terrible things. “Oh look it’s a bunny…” Last thing you saw before you died! It’s a cruel world out there. Max is the antithesis of David, in he wants nothing to do with the place, and is constantly trying to escape. There’s a lot to delve into, but it’s best if we take it slow: but in the meantime, I’ll give you some cast list pointers: David (lead counselor) - Miles Luna, of course! Jaune from RWBY and Felix from RvB Gwen (assistant counselor) - Lee Eddy, 479er from RvB - she was the pilot for the Freelancers in S9 and S10 and was constantly harassing Wash on the radio in the Recovery One mini series. Max (the black haired angry kid) - Michael Jones - Sun Wukong from RWBY Nikki (green haired girl) - the supremely talented Elizabeth Maxwell , who you already know well - Winter from RWBY and Skout from Nomad of Nowhere Neil (brown haired science geek) - Yuri Lowenthal - Mercury Black from RWBY Quartermaster - Shannon McCormick - Ozpin from RWBY and Agent Washington from RvB - let’s just say this role is a departure and leave it at that 😈 Space Kid (astronaut) - Lindsay Jones, aka Ruby Rose herself. There’s obviously a few I left out, because you haven’t seen enough screen time of them yet. Let’s kinda ease our way in here. :) In the meantime, Cameron Campbell is requesting that you send him some funds while he’s offshore for the benefit of the campers. Sounds totally legit. If you could wire that as soon as possible, I’m sure it’s for a good cause.

John J Ronald

Cameron Campbell voiced by Travis Willingham, who voiced one of the doomed ATLAS Ship Captains in Volume 3 of RWBY, got shot down by Roman Torchwick. Veteran anime voice actor.

John J Ronald

Nerris is the "other magic camp" kid; she's a D&D nerd. (voiced by Barbara Dunkleman, aka Yang Xiao Long).

John J Ronald

When I first heard Gwen, I thought it was Terri Doty but nope. Gwen is usually short for Gwendolyn, Cameron. She's a world-weary 20-something and her line "why did I get a liberal arts degree" OMG girl same. That hit home. She's probably my favorite character, doing her best to keep the little sh*ts from killing themselves for way too little pay.


Wow I expecting something closer to Nomad of Nowhere. This was great. Well said it’s definitely like an adult gravity falls. I’m loving Dave too! Wish we got to hear more of the song. But hopefully next time when Gwen’s not around 🎸


Hahha I had a feeling people would be expecting David to really resonate with me! I'm learning that this show isn't the best place for animals! Max really is total opposites with David. Thanks for all the VA info, that's amazing!!! I knew I recognized some of them! Hahaha oh yeah that totally seems on the up and up, he seems like a trustworthy guy :P Can't wait for more lol!


Hahahahaha I think we can all relate to that line a little! Nice, I can't wait to see more of her!


Hahaha I'm glad you agree with my comparison! David seems awesome!!! Can't wait for more of the song haha!!!


Yes! Finally, the craziness that is Camp Camp. This show is so freaking good, though I never got around to watching season 4 lol.