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(Google Drive Link listed below description!)

Hey everyone!  I'm BACK with more Spy x Family!  Here's my reaction to season 2, episode 11!  Hahahaha the stuff with Becky was SO funny!!!  The constant misinterpretations and comedy of errors between every character except Anya - who was just spending this time rooting for her own personal fancy chef - was amazing.  Kudos to Becky for realizing that she needs some work in this area and the best way to learn is from the master!!!  Now Becky's getting training too :P  And we got to catch up with Fiona in this one!!!  Seems like she's been keeping busy during the whole vacation arc.  Ah, the women who pine after Loid!  It's cool that they got their own ep!  So excited yet bittersweet for the finale next week!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YkVHFhwHqj01jD66PjyXM28VrR8qSY-s/view?usp=sharing



Hi Hime :) I had talked about overheating and fantasy, between Becky and Todo, I wonder who is the most imaginative lol. If Becky trains with Yor she should change her name from Blackbell to Black Belt :wink:.

Tyler Stobbe

You were asking about the position of the intro, it’s moved around - it does sometimes appear after the start, but it seems to reserve that for episodes that are focusing on one story and not two or three. I suppose it’s safe to say we needed a bit of a lighthearted breather since the last week, huh? I mean, a lot of your OTHER shows have done some heavy hitting. 😅 Anya, how could you!? I expected betrayal and intrigue but from inside the family? (In mock Godfather voice): “You never go against the family!” By the way Becky is you if you went to Joseph’s house. Tell me I’m wrong. 👀 Everybody’s got such different ideas about what’s going on that it makes for one of those hilarious setups where nobody has the right idea. We made use of Becky’s emotional instability, Loid’s intensity, Anya’s greed and Yor’s overactive imagination. I love how Yor’s mind immediately goes to the most implausible and unlikely worst case scenario. It’s equal parts heartwarming and hilarious. How did you put alcohol in a child’s drink? I think it isn’t that Loid doesn’t understand children - he has no idea what these women are thinking, and it was kinda laughable how he went from aloof to “this isn’t what it looks like!” when Becky blurted out her feelings. So on some level he IS worried about what Yor thinks. I think maybe one of the things Yor has going for her is she doesn’t behave like you’d expect a normal woman to, maybe that’s part of her charm? Oh and by the way, Yor wasn’t hit by a car, a car was hit by Yor. She actually kicked one into a wall before, remember? As for Nightfall, she’s obsessed with Twilight so much that she doesn’t seem to realize he already admires her - he’s just got a partner he meshes with a lot better. I’m sure those souvenirs were just more of Anya’s skeleton keychains. I have a theory. We have two people who are obsessed with people who are already in a relationship. Should we try to set up Yuri and Fiona? 😈 Anya, stop thinking about your betrayal for gourmet food again. By the way, that hair shaking image really needs to be a GIF already. Well, I guess you could say… Yor really put the hammer down this week? One more episode is all we have to go on for a while…. PS: I’m sure you’re going to read this Wednesday morning, so friendly reminder here - don’t forget to finish your Oshi No Ko comments before then, since I imagine you’re headed to film after going through these. 😎


Aw. I gotta say I always feel for Fiona when we come back to her. The perfect chance of a life time to play family with someone you long and because of time conflict it worked out another way. It’s always such a huge “what if” that gets me thinking. We’ve heard her thoughts on how she would have disciplined Anya which was terrifying but who knows. I feel like layers would have been peeled eventually and Anya would still have found it cool to have two spies as parents. I’m glad to see her work paying off a bit here. A small gesture from someone you like can really make your day. And Becky has me rolling. Mm it sucks knowing in the back of your mind that something may never be but you still try to get close to that person. I’m glad she bonded with Yor here. That’ll be fun to follow up on. And interestingly I can kind of see your theory happening. Idk how to feel about that but wouldn’t that be something 😅 With all these women Loid is like Bondman. 🕵️


Hi Spadeas! :) You were spot on hahaha!!! Imagination land is a popular place I guess! OMG BLACKBELT!!! Hahahahahaha this is for sure a Yang worthy pun!!!


I know, I do too! I'm sure after a while Fiona would soften up with Anya, who knows what their life together would really look like? I'm still Team Yor though! LOL Becky!!! I can't wait to see more of her and Yor's apprenticeship :P Wouldn't it be something if Becky becomes an assassin after all this??? :P OMG Loid is truly becoming Bondman now!!! Hahah :P


Oh ok good to know about the intro! OMG I needed the fluffiness of this ep so bad haha. LOL I know, Anya how could you!!!!!!!! I mean, it was for food, so I kinda get it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA the way I burst out laughing when I read your comment about Joseph!!!! OMG!!!! Yup, that's totally accurate and I can't argue it :P I love how everyone interpreted what was going on! LOL that's the thing, like I get Yor's awfulizing so much, because there's no way that would ever happen, but it feels like something I'd go to in my mind too just because of anxiety :P True, Loid's issue is more with women I guess. Hahahaha the way he actually was so embarrassed at how it might seem, omg! It does prove he's worried what Yor thinks too. I agree, Yor's got a unique way about her - it's not that she's not feminine, it's just that her mind just works, well, the way it does. It's totally charming and endearing! HAHAHAHA the car totally got hit by her! That's right, she kicked one hahha! Good call on the skeleton keychains, and it is ironic that Nightfall doesn't even realize that Loid already admires her in a way. OMG Yuri and Fiona, what a match that would be!!!!!!!!!! Is it really betrayal if it's for gourmet food???? HAHAHA it should totally be a GIF!!! LOL good pun!!!! Sorry for responding to your Oshi no Ko comments so late, I just replied this morning! OMG I need to remember to Waku Waku for the finale!!! :O


Can we just clone loid so both yor and Fiona can win?